Featured Video: M.T. Anderson Discusses His First Graphic Novel
This post is sponsored by Yvain: The Knight Of The Lion by M.T. Anderson, illustrated by Andrea Offermann.
Eager for glory and heedless of others, Sir Yvain sets out from King Arthur’s court and defeats a local lord in battle, unknowingly intertwining his future with the lives of two compelling women: Lady Laudine, the beautiful widow of the fallen lord, and her sly maid Lunette. In a stunning visual interpretation of a 12th century epic poem by Chrétien de Troyes, readers are — at first glance — transported into a classic Arthurian romance complete with errant knights, plundering giants, and fire-breathing dragons. A closer look, however, reveals a world rich with unspoken emotion.
Take a look at M.T. Anderson discussing Yvain: The Knight Of The Lion, his first graphic novel…
…and also at a video from illustrator Andrea Offermann about the project: