How Well Do You Know Meg Cabot?
I had the pleasure of meeting the lovely and wonderful Meg Cabot for the first time at a book event recently. I learned some pretty cool stuff about her and her work, so I thought I’d do up a quiz here to test your knowledge.
For the unfamiliar: Meg Cabot is best known for her series The Princess Diaries. She was born in Indiana, but now calls several places home, including Key West, Florida. She writes stories for kiddos and teens and adults. Some of the events in her books even have ties to her own life, like the bit in Princess Diaries where Mia’s mom started dating her teacher. When asked about how she gets her creative juices flowing, her awesome answer is she reads the paper and dreams up solutions to mysteries therein.
And now, it’s time for you to get your thinking caps on. Here’s your quiz!
1. How did Meg Cabot get her start in writing?
a) as a columnist
c) writing children’s books
d) writing screenplays
2. What is the logical next step for Princess Diaries, according to Meg?
a) a new series telling the story from another character’s perspective
c) Princess Diaries: The Musical
d) nothing: it’s over
3. How many books has Meg had published?
a) between 10 and 15
b) between 20 and 30
c) between 35 and 50
d) over 50
4. When she has time to read for leisure, what kind of books does Meg go for?
a) adult romance
b) YA fantasy fiction and romance
c) serial killer mystery books
d) fairy tale retellings
5. Meg Cabot wrote the screenplay for what movie?
a) Ice Princess
b) Ella Enchanted
c) The Swan Princess
d) The Princess Diaries
6. In college, Meg studied…
a) Communications
b) Art
c) English
d) History
7. Meg’s childhood role model was…
a) John Lennon
b) Joan of Arc
c) Wonder Woman
d) Walt Disney
8. In The Princess Diaries, Mia is 15 years old and a princess. Originally, though, she was meant to be…
a) 7
b) 18
c) 24
d) 30
9. What event in her life led to Meg’s decision to get some work published?
a) divorce
b) winning a writing contest
c) death of a family member
d) a period of joblessness
10. At her book events and signings, Meg always wears…
a) a tiara
b) a pearl necklace
c) a polka dot dress
d) funny socks
How did you do? Check your answers.