5 Fantastic Trans Graphic Novels You Can Read in One Sitting
Earlier this week, I wrote about the 2025 Trans Rights Readathon, so I’m here with the first of several recommendation posts! This time, I’m talking about some of my favourite trans graphic novels. These are all by trans authors and star trans characters. There are so many excellent trans graphic novels out there; this is just a small sampling that I really enjoyed, plus one on my TBR. I’d love to hear your recommendations, too!
I’ll have more recs for the specific prompts of the readathon, but I thought I’d start with trans books you could read in one sitting, since the readathon is only about a week long. Let’s dive in!
Stone Fruit by Lee Lai
This is a gorgeous, highly acclaimed graphic novel about the complex relationship between two women — one cis, one trans — and the niece they babysit. It’s heartbreaking and tender and all too realistic. Bron ends up returning to her family to try to find closure, but they can’t accept her being queer and trans. If you like literary fiction, I highly recommend this one.
Lsbn by Emma Jayne
This is a graphic novella, so it’s a very quick read. And who can resist a trans lesbian “mech rom-com graphic novel,” as the blurb describes it? It follows two trans women working on LSBN, a mech that is meant to help in the war against giant alien invaders — but then peace is declared, and they decide to go on a joy ride in LSBN together before it’s decommissioned. (And maybe that joy ride is a little more…joyful…than you should be at work.)
A Song for You and I by K. O’Neill
K. O’Neill’s cozy middle grade fantasy graphic novels are always something I look forward to, and their latest is no exception. This is a stunning graphic novel, especially when it comes to the landscapes. Winding through it is the understated story of two characters learning to accept themselves and each other. Both main characters are gender nonconforming. The official description calls this a “soft sweeping fantasy romance,” and I have to agree.
Boys Weekend by Mattie Lubchansky
This is a satirical graphic novel about a transfeminine person named Sammie who is invited to an old friend’s bachelor party. The party is at El Campo — think Las Vegas turned up to 11 on a floating island. This is a dystopian capitalist world where you can hunt your clone as casual entertainment. There, Sammie seems to be the only one who notices a creepy cult slowly converting all the other members of the party, while everyone else tells them they’re overreacting. Even without the supernatural elements, though, the constant misgendering and micro- and macro-aggressions Sammie experiences are pretty upsetting. Luckily, they are always able to call their wife and queer friends for advice and support. There are plenty of over-the-top elements, but the emotion is grounded, and Sammie felt like a defiant character who refused to be swept up in the cult of cisheteromasculinity around them.
Boys Run the Riot by Keito Gaku
This one I haven’t read yet, but it’s at the top of my TBR. It comes highly recommended by Patricia Thang, who says:
Written and illustrated by a transgender creator, and translated into English by an all-transgender localization team, Boys Run the Riot is one of the best and most thoughtful coming-of-age manga of the past few years. Ryo Watari is a transgender high school student who doesn’t feel like he has anyone he can talk to honestly about his identity. However, he is able to find an outlet to express his authentic self through street fashion and finds a friend in Jin Sato, a fellow outcast who shares this interest. Together, the boys set out on a journey to launch their own fashion brand.
Which trans and nonbinary graphic novels do you recommend? Let’s chat in the comments!
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