A Virtual Tour of the 2018 Toronto Comic Arts Festival
The Toronto Comic Arts Festival has come and gone, and once again, I was not there. No, I was at home, on my phone, scrolling through Twitter and Instagram, looking at all the pictures of the amazing indie comic makers, and longing to be there. *deep sigh* One day, I will attend, and I will fill my tote bag with comics and zines, and then my heart will be content. Until that day, at least there is social media to scroll through and pretend we were walking the floors of the Toronto Reference Library. Consider the following a very small, not nearly at all comprehensive, virtual tour of TCAF 2018. If you see something that catches your eye, I’ve included links to the creators online store, so you can fill up your online tote bag with comics, as it were. Let’s discover some new comics, y’all!
Humans of @TorontoComics #TCAF pic.twitter.com/bT02jKuB1M
— Cam Gordon (@cam_gordon) May 12, 2018
Let’s take a moment to appreciate the space first. Three! Floors! Of! Comics! In a library! What a beautiful sight.
We are here at TCAF table 246! Come by and pick up a copy of one of our beautiful books, including our brand new anthology Group Chat! 💖 pic.twitter.com/DGNJsq0buj
— POMEmag @ VanCAF (@POMEmag) May 12, 2018
All set up for TCAF! #TCAF2018 pic.twitter.com/jY3zYqTpln
— One Percent Press – TCAF 253 (@onepercentpress) May 12, 2018
It is happening! Come visit me and @fallenloverecs at #Zineland Terrace all weekend #tcaf2018 11-5 at 2 Bloor West 📖✌️ pic.twitter.com/JR9HCrylnt
— Mariel Ashlinn (@MarielAshlinn) May 12, 2018
Thanks to all who visited today! Absolutely stunned at the incredible support and kindness. The internet is so bad in the library so I will post this now so I can bump it tomorrow! pic.twitter.com/K8fsAtBukm
— Chan @ TCAF 248 (@Aluhnim) May 12, 2018
I’m here at #tcaf2018 ! Come by the Wowee Zone space, there’s so much goooooddgooooddd pic.twitter.com/JiWnSYbreq
— nat @ TCAF WZK-12 (@natAndrewson) May 12, 2018
TCAF day 2 is about to commence! I’m at table 218, directly at the top of the stairs. I have … QUEER COMICS #TCAF2018 pic.twitter.com/jbr6A7Jm1S
— 🦇Dylan Edwards @ TCAF 218 (@DylanNDREdwards) May 13, 2018
#tcaf2018 has begunnnnnn! Come say hi at table 206! 💙✨ pic.twitter.com/U7j9eeC7Uq
— Andrea Bell @ TCAF table 206 (@andyharvestyeah) May 12, 2018
Sunday morning @TorontoComics Things after “bouming”already. #TCAF2018 pic.twitter.com/X6n5VR9stg
— soaring penguin (@spenguin) May 13, 2018
And so #TCAF2018 has finished!! What an amazing festival! Thank you so much to everyone who stopped by, so sorry I wasn’t at the table so often. I had so much fun and met so many great people!!! ❤😭 pic.twitter.com/p15TYfzafx
— jade @ tcaf 220 (@jelajade) May 13, 2018
We’re here at TCAF @TorontoComics!! Come find us on the 3rd floor table 312!! 🔥🔥🔥#tcaf #comics #smallpress #toronto #comix #puertorico #comicspuertorico #startedfromthebottom pic.twitter.com/BLQjzb1cS8
— Taller Secreto Press (@TSpress_pr) May 12, 2018
Tabling at #TCAF today and tomorrow. If you’re in Toronto, come and say 👋 table 223. pic.twitter.com/4b2NFdoKON
— MuleleRedux (@muleleredux) May 12, 2018
Day 2 of #TCAF
Come say hello, floor 2 table 227 pic.twitter.com/VzHVUgQk72
— ☆Alexis☆Autopic☆ (@AnxiousAa) May 13, 2018
Hi #TCAF! We’re here at table 238. pic.twitter.com/OgsLT4VwW3
— Megan Nicole Dong @TCAF 238 (@sketchshark) May 12, 2018
We’re at TCAF! We’ve got the goods! Table 279, come say hi! pic.twitter.com/igBznag4rt
— Margins @ TCAF 279 (@marginscomics) May 12, 2018
I’m at #TCAF today and tomorrow! First floor Wowee Zonk area, table 11. possibly very easy to find 🐾 pic.twitter.com/uSH5u3FGSd
— ivy🦇 (@ivyatoms) May 12, 2018
🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀✨✨✨✨✨It’s TCAF time!!!!!!!! Table 221!!!!! We are here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ✨✨✨✨✨🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀 pic.twitter.com/GZZ8sAKzIg
— Love Love Hill @ TCAF 221 (@love_love_hill) May 12, 2018
Got our coffee and tea and we’re ready to go. #TCAF table Q9 pic.twitter.com/9k4bSU8Exl
— Bleating Heart Press @TCAF Q9 (@BleatingHP) May 12, 2018
HERE!! Come find me on the second floor!! #TCAF pic.twitter.com/rSVaSGmUcl
— St. Jackie (@jckielantern) May 12, 2018
Table 141
At Your
Boy pic.twitter.com/Bl7CjzYDlW— Richie Pope @TCAF Table 141 (@richiepope) May 12, 2018
Richie Pope’s store. And the other store.
Looking for more Toronto comics and creators? Check out TCAF 2017: Comics Creators You Should Look Out For, The TCAF Catch Up—Indie Comics: Part 1, and all of our TCAF discussions.