Comics Newsletter

A Virtual Tour of the 2018 Toronto Comic Arts Festival

Christine Hoxmeier

Staff Writer

Christine Hoxmeier can usually be found hard at work in her beloved home of Austin with a cup of coffee in one hand and a taco in the other. She spends her free time reading, writing, and dreaming of a teleportation device so she can visit her friends spread across the globe on a daily basis. If it were possible to live inside one Disneyland attraction for the rest of her life, Christine would cheat and choose to split her time between It's A Small World and The Enchanted Tiki Room. She prefers to communicate in CAPSLOCK and with gifs. Twitter: @aramblingfancy

The Toronto Comic Arts Festival has come and gone, and once again, I was not there. No, I was at home, on my phone, scrolling through Twitter and Instagram, looking at all the pictures of the amazing indie comic makers, and longing to be there. *deep sigh* One day, I will attend, and I will fill my tote bag with comics and zines, and then my heart will be content. Until that day, at least there is social media to scroll through and pretend we were walking the floors of the Toronto Reference Library. Consider the following a very small, not nearly at all comprehensive, virtual tour of TCAF 2018. If you see something that catches your eye, I’ve included links to the creators online store, so you can fill up your online tote bag with comics, as it were. Let’s discover some new comics, y’all!

Let’s take a moment to appreciate the space first. Three! Floors! Of! Comics! In a library! What a beautiful sight.

POMEmag’s store

One Percent Press store

TCAF photo courtesy of Julian Voloj #tcaf2018 #comics #ghoststories #rosariumpub

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Whit Taylor’s store

Mariel Ashlinn Kelly’s store

Hey come get your comix n stuff.

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Anna Lisa’s store

Jenn Liv’s store

Chan’s store

Isabella Rotman’s store

Natalie Andrewson’s store

#TCAF TINGS WITH @ktshy ! #tcaf2018 #tcaf

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Katie Shanahan’s store

Dylan Edwards’s store

Bailie Rosenlund’s store

Andrea Bell’s store

Sophie Paas-Lang’s store

Soaring Penguin Press store

Rotopol Press store

Kirsty Turnbull’s store

Jade’s store

Cow House Press store

test run successful! come find me at tcaf this weekend – table 275!!

A post shared by Gale Galligan (@robochai) on

Gale Galligan’s store

Taller Secreto Press store

MuleleRedux store

Come drop by Q11 and say hey!!! #tcaf2018

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Joni Miller’s store

Nicole Goux’s store

Alexis Cooke’s store

Megan Nicole Dong’s store

Margins Publishing store

Ivy’s store

Adam Murhpy’s store

Katie Wheeler’s store

Love Love Hill store

Bleating Heart Press store

Jackie’s store

Richie Pope’s store. And the other store.


Looking for more Toronto comics and creators? Check out TCAF 2017: Comics Creators You Should Look Out For, The TCAF Catch Up—Indie Comics: Part 1, and all of our TCAF discussions.