Welcome to Comics Fetish, your weekly dose of wallet pain!
Welcome to Art Roundup, where we pick a comics character Star Wars ship and spotlight its awesomeness with rad fan creations. In honor ...
Now that Star Wars: The Force Awakens has come out, Brian discusses three Star Wars comics he wants to read.
Yes, The Force Awakens mirrors A New Hope in many ways. That's a good thing.
We talk Dark Horse Star Wars titles that are still worth the read.
Oh, Comics! is a weekly chat show about the wild and wooly world of comics, hosted by Paul Montgomery and Preeti ...
Brenna recounts the experience of seeing The Force Awakens at 6:30 AM. Minor, but no major, plot spoilers ahead.
Oh, Comics! is a weekly chat show about the wild and wooly world of comics, hosted by Paul Montgomery and Preeti ...
This week's Comics Fetish features gear for Star Wars, Wonder Woman, Harry Potter, How to Train Your Dragon, and Guardians of the Galaxy fans.
Want to read up on the Star Wars galaxy before THE FORCE AWAKENS? Here are the books you need to read.