
Why Is Publishing Plagiarism Still Possible?

In a world where YouTube videos can be taken down for a few seconds of copyright infringement, why does publishing plagiarism still occur?

How to Help Combat Piracy in Publishing

With $300 million annually lost in author income due to piracy in publishing, authors, bloggers, and more are finding ways to combat theft.

Romancelandia, Intellectual Property, and Plagiarism: A Round-Up of #CopyPasteCris

Your need-to-know information about the #CopyPasteCris hashtag born after romance author Courtney Milan discovered that her work was plagiarized by another.

Reflecting On Emma Cline’s Legal Win

"Cline's personal win was another win for women: you can confront the monster who has plagued you and you can prevail."

Who Are the Plagiarism Police?

How To Make Plagiarism Pay