#anthropomorphic animals

26 Children’s Books About Animals That Are Utterly Sweet

There are so many children's books about animals floating out in the world. Here's some of the best picture books and early reader books about animals.

The Appeal of Graphic Novels about Anthropomorphized Animals

There’s a long and proud tradition of turning non-human animals and hybrid animals into characters of graphic novels and comics. So, what is the appeal of graphic novels about anthropomorphized animals?

Fantasy, Folklore, and Sentient Animals: The Perfect Recipe for Winter Reading

Deep, introspective fantasy with hints of folklore and myth with sentient animals as either the main character or as a significant supporting character.

5 Books for People Who Loved OKJA

If you’ve watched the movie OKJA and now want to read something that captures part of its mood, here are some book suggestions.

Read Harder: Anthropomorphic Animals (for Paul)

Our reading recommendations for comics starring anthropomorphic animals.

My Kryptonite: Anthropomorphic Animals

Panelteer Paul takes a close look at his kryptonite in comics: anthropomorphic animals.