Just, Like, Pictures of Cats and Books
Cats and books. There’s no doubt that cats are the ideal reading companion. Before all you dog people protest, hear me out: You don’t have to interrupt your reading to take them for a walk, they will quietly sit by your side or on your lap while you get lost in a book, and they (probably) won’t try to steal your reading snack from you (unless it’s bacon or prosciutto—my cat loves bacon and prosciutto…and potato chips). You can give them great literary names and rest assured that writers are a friend to felines. And while you cuddle up with your favorite kitty, check out this list of 100 must-read books with cats in them.
Wow, what a stately beauty.
What a specimen.
Talk about a #KodakMoment.
Consider me dead.
Om nom nom. Books are food for your brain.
Just “paws”-ing to read.
Ugh. I can’t.
If you haven’t read Penguin Problems, take this cat’s recommendation to heart.
A loaf on a stack.
You can always count on a cat to judge you for, well, everything.
Even the little ones can’t be trusted to keep their opinions to themselves.
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, nice big old book stacks all tied up with ribbons…
Whiskey whiskers.
Talk about meta.
I spy toe beans!
Subtle, beautiful, cat-and-book portraiture.
Stunning. Just, stunning.
“So, are you going to feed me now, or…?”
Sleepy kitty.
If it fits, kitty sits.
Do books make any more sense upside down?
For all the murderinos.
This guy’s human says he reads by “osmeowsis.” How impressive!
Sometimes, cats just don’t care.
Understated. Quiet. Perfection.
I just want to boop his little nose!
I love when my cats and books come in multiples.
Look at the incredible show of balance.
I just love cats and books.
Small cat, big books.
Outdoor reading!
This kitty is a bit of a scaredy cat when it comes to horror.
Loving these Halloween vibes.
This is no time for dominoes, kitty!
What a beauty.
I couldn’t bribe my cat to pose like this.
This is a stellar example in cats and books photography.
I feel like I need to pet this cat.
Here’s a cat-sic. A classic. Catsic. Get it? Huh?
Ebooks and a cat!
Ebooks and a little cat!
Another beautiful specimen.
This is basically my dream life: cats and books and doughnuts.
Follow #catsandbooks on Instagram for more breathtaking photos of the best reading companion.