The Oath of Literary Allegiance
What if, in order to become a citizen of the great nation of literature, you had to take an Oath of Allegiance — just like when you want to gain citizenship to, say, the United States? I think an Oath of Literary Allegiance would look a little something like this:
I hereby declare, on oath, that
I absolutely and entirely
renounce and abjure
all allegiance and fidelity
to any television program, movie franchise, video game, or website
of which I have heretofore been a fan or fanatic
that I will support and defend
the libraries and indie bookstores of the world
against all enemies, Amazon or otherwise
that I will read in my spare time and sometimes when I should be working
that I will bear anger against those who write in library books or fail to pay their fines
that I will perform critical analysis and petitioning against those who seek to ban books
that I will perform works of generous-hearted criticism when called upon by the internet
and that I take this obligation freely
without any mental reservation
or purpose of evasion.
So help me, Toni Morrison.