
Organize Against Censorship and for Strong Schools with H.E.A.L. Together

H.E.A.L. Together (Honest Education Action & Leadership) is an event organized by Race Forward to “bring together a multiracial movement of students, parents, and educators to demand honest, accurate, and fully funded public education — not book bans, censorship, and whitewashing of history.”

The guests are Congressman Jamaal Bowman, Emmy-winning social justice storyteller Sarah Eagle Heart, President of Race Forward Glenn Harris, and President of The National Education Association Becky Pringle.

The event discusses how the increase in book bans and challenges, as well as opposition to “Critical Race Theory,” is a tactic meant to stoke culture wars for political gain. The guests will address how schools can prevent censorship and continue to educate students in a way that sets the foundation for a multiracial democracy.

The event takes place over Zoom at 7 pm EST/4 pm PST, and you can register now.

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