
Happening Right Now: The Harry Potter Alliance is Hosting A Virtual Con

Great news for Harry Potter fans who are starting to feel a little antsy cooped up in their houses: The Harry Potter Alliance is hosting a virtual con, starting today and lasting through Saturday, April 4!

The convention is called Small Things Con, and you can sign up for your official digital ticket here. Yes, the con is 100% free to attend. The Harry Potter Alliance welcomes contributions to their donation page. Here’s the official mission statement of the con: “The Harry Potter Alliance community is full of joy, enthusiasm, creativity, and small actions that create big impact. That’s what Small Things Con is all about: small things for big times.”

Want to know what you can do at Small Things Con? Here’s the official list of events. Some of the events include:

  • Create your own pygmy puff companion for social distancing
  • Team Granger Call: What’s up with voting during a pandemic?
  • Wizards in Space in the Internet! An Online Reading
  • Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes: A Birthday Party Spectacular!

There’s much more to do at Small Things Conso check out the full list for times and details.

The Harry Potter Alliance is an online community dedicated to making activism accessible and sustainable through the power of pop culture. And Small Things Con can be your opportunity to join the cause. Here you can jumpstart your own activism at home. Or just connect with other like-minded Harry Potter fans.

Hope to see you at the con!

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