Do You Love Manga and/or Indie Comics? Come Write for Us!
If you’re a lover of manga and/or indie comics (we’re talking webcomics, minicomics, and independent, very small presses—smaller than Image, BOOM!, Dark Horse, etc.), and you have experience writing about comics on the Internet (whether a personal blog or comics website), we want to talk. If you’re a diverse writer who meets these criteria, we especially want to hear from you! (Please. Really.)
We’re looking for just a couple of talented writers to come on board to talk about these under-covered areas of comics. We’re especially impressed by writers who have developed a unique voice. If you think you fit the bill, you can apply to join us here. Not all applications will receive a response, and we look at applications on a rolling basis, so there is no firm deadline. And yes, we do pay, but the biggest asset we have is our fellow Panels contributors. If you’re not interested in being part of a contributor community, sharing and discussing ideas, comics news, and more behind the scenes, this probably isn’t the place for you.