Classics That Prove Your Grandma Could Kick Bella Swan’s Ass
One of the things that really bothers me in popular culture is historical forgetfulness, especially in regard to women’s history. I don’t know how many times I’ve come across a historical novel where the author makes the assumption that women of the past were of course less “liberated” than contemporary women and therefore always followed the rules and never did anything on their own. Yeah, those women who fought for and eventually won the right to vote—such shrinking violets.
There’s plenty of evidence (not to mention common sense) to dispute those assumptions; but possibly the most effective refutation can be found in classic novels from centuries past, wherein female characters ARE independent and get shit done. Many classics even put modern novels to shame in terms of female agency and passing the Bechdel Test. For example…
Roast Beef, Medium by Edna Ferber (1913)
The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas (1844)
Male author shout-out! One wouldn’t expect an adventure novel about four soldiers to pass the Bechdel Test or have a kick-ass female character, but this one does, and she’s one of the greatest literary villains ever written. Lady de Winter takes care of herself and she’s pretty good at, judging by the fact that she went from a poor homeless urchin to a wealthy and powerful countess two times over. Not only does Lady de Winter get shit done, she drives the action and plot for practically the entire second half of the novel. Of course she IS a villain; but like all of our favorite villains, she’s also a sympathetic character. I’d want to kill most of those guys, too, honestly. Though her actions are deplorable, you can’t help but admire her cleverness and resourcefulness. Even better: Dumas based Lady de Winter on several real women from history.
The Seven Sleuths’ Club by Carol Norton (1928)
The Secret Adversary by Agatha Christie (1922)
Christie’s second novel is a sublimely ridiculous tale of London spies and hijinks starring Tommy and Tuppence, everyone’s favorite crime solving couple. This book is crazy, non-stop fun with plenty of plot twists and snappy dialog; but what really makes the novel is Tuppence—a fearless, creative, and smart woman who I want to be my best friend. She’s what one might call a go-getter, if one actually lived in this book. It’s Tuppence who gets the story started by convincing Tommy to start a business with her as, “Two young adventurers… No unreasonable offer refused.” Of course, as soon as they decide to place an ad in the paper, some unsavory type hires them. Tuppence is a character with more agency and personality than most female characters one encounters on TV and in books in the 21st century, AND The Secret Adversary passes the Bechdel Test. Did I mention it’s a really fun book with spies? Definitely a must-read.
The Amazing Interlude by Mary Roberts Rinehart (1918)
Of course, I can’t read ALL THE BOOKS (alas and alack), so here are some more books from my fellow Rioters with female characters that drive the action and narrative and pass the Bechdel Test:
- Two Serious Ladies by Jane Bowles
- The Golden Notebook by Doris Lessing
- Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
- The Nancy Drew series
- Forever Amber by Kathleen Winsor
- Daddy Long-Legs by Jean Webster
- Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery
- Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
- A Girl of the Limberlost by Gene Stratton-Porter
What classics would you recommend? They don’t have to be canon!