#Young Adult Literature

Looking for the best young adult books, new YA books for your pre-order list, or young adult fiction for yourself or to give to the teens in your life? We’ve got all the bases (and genres) covered.

Crossover Appeal #13

YA Books for Adult Lit Readers Black Juice by Margo Lanagan Margo Lanagan’s fiction is a beautiful and strange experience ...

Sh!t Male Romantic Leads in YA Novels Say

Male romantic leads in YA novels — you love them, right? Whether you’re Team Edward or Team Jacob (or, like, ...

What Would *Insert YA Heroine Here* Do?

Sometimes, when faced with difficult real life situations, I find myself wondering how my favourite young adult heroines would feel ...

Crossover Appeal #10

Crossover Appeal is a weekly feature that challenges the idea that you have to choose a side between YA and adult fiction. ...

Crossover Appeal #8

Crossover Appeal is a weekly feature that challenges the idea that you have to choose a side between YA and adult fiction. ...

Featured Book Trailer: A MONSTER CALLS by Patrick Ness


Retro “Christmas Chiller” Throwdown: Baby-sitters’ Club vs Sweet Valley Twins

When I was a tween, the most important books being published were Ann M. Martin’s Baby-sitters Club series and Francine Pascal’s ...

Crossover Appeal #7

Crossover Appeal is a weekly feature that challenges the idea that you have to choose a side between YA and adult ...

Looking Forward: 2012, the Year of the Sequel

I’ve barely finished my Best of 2011 lists, and already, I’m gearing up for 2012 releases. But I’m not alone. ...

Crossover Appeal #7

Crossover Appeal is a weekly feature that challenges the idea that you have to choose a side between YA and ...