Riot Headline 10 Exciting Books to Read this Summer

#Science Fiction/Fantasy

Space! Dragons! Space dragons (that’s a thing)! Welcome to the sci-fi and fantasy corner of Book Riot, where we discuss the best fantasy book series (and best fantasy books that standalone–yes, those do exist), YA sci-fi, science fiction books for kids, cozy sci-fi (also a thing!), and more. Grab your sword and hop in the spaceship: let’s get reading.

Welcome to the Library of Fictional Fiction

The Library of Fictional Fiction: a place populated with books that only exist in works of fiction. Books within books. Untamed by the Dewey decimal system.

Gateway Books: Do You Remember Your First Time?

Forget your Hobbits, Harry Potters, Nancy Drews, or Lions, Witches and Wardrobes. The book that convinced my eight-year-old self that ...

Glasgow Snuff Films: Where Great Books Go To Die

The sight of Halle Berry and Brad Pitt chills my blood. Trust me, I’ve seen them. The pair stalk the ...

Magic for Grown-Ups

Normally, I am among the last to spot trends in publishing, particularly of the supernatural tendency. It wasn’t until I ...