Bookish Valentine’s Day Sweatshirts to Celebrate Your One True Love
Valentine’s Day, as in literally those two words put together, likely triggered some kind of reaction. You either love this day or you hate it, find value in expressing love for the people in your life, or buy into the concept that it is nothing more than a Hallmark Holiday (it’s not—it’s centuries old and has kind of a bloody history to boot!). Whatever your feelings are, they’re valid, of course. But if you’re feeling like you can’t lean into the spirit because you don’t have a significant other in your life, I’m here to remind you that you do: books.
Find below a fun roundup of bookish Valentine’s Day sweatshirts perfect for the season. Though these might have a Valentine’s theme or vibe to them, what makes this particular holiday a fun one is how versatile the icons of it are. You can wear hearts and bows with arrows or pink and re(a)d anytime.
Wear these fun Valentine’s Day sweatshirts to go out to pick up your latest bookstore or library finds, to a coffee shop for a reading date, or to get cozy in your own home with a new audiobook and puzzle.
If your OPT is you and books, then this sweatshirt is for you. $37+, available in several colors up to size 3XL.
Go vintage and yet be timeless with this “love fades, books don’t” sweatshirt. $40+, in several color options and up to size 5XL.
What better sweethearts do you need than books and the library? $37, available in three colors and up to size 3XL.
We love a thick read for Valentine’s Day. $35+, available up to size 5XL in several different colors.
Nothing says love more than being given the treat of being able to read your heart out, tbh. $40, available in three colors up to size 2XL.
Keep it simple with this embroidered hand heart over your truest love: books. $34+, in several colors up to size 2XL.
If you like the hand heart concept but want to embrace a little bit of a different style, perhaps this skeleton heart hand conveys your love of books even better. $25+, up to size 5XL, available in several colors.
We love a good romance trope, so why not sport your favorites on a cozy sweatshirt? $42+, with several colors, up to size 5XL.
This sweatshirt is clever. The entire back is dedicated to book quotes about love. The lettering is light in color, so it likely pops on darker sweatshirt colors, but you have several colors from which to choose. $50, up to size 3XL.
Sport this sweet “My Valentine is a fictional character” sweatshirt for your next reading session. $40+, available in several colors, up to size 5XL.
This one has a similar theme to the one above, but it also includes where your love of fictional characters began…and it has an adorable cat. Is it extra? Yes. Is it purrrfect? Also yes. $39+, available in several colors up to size 5XL.
This sweatshirt is for book lovers, word game lovers, and those who fall right in the middle of those two Venn diagrams. $30, available in several colors, up to size 3XL.
Last but definitely not least, for the readers who are in relationships with other readers—friends, lovers, whatever—how about this adorable frog sweatshirt proclaiming you’ll be together until the books run out? $25+, available in several colors; and available in both youth and adult sizes.
Get inspired by love with some more great bookish swag for Valentine’s Day, and enjoy some bookish ways to celebrate the day.