
More Book Titles That Would Make Great Band Names

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A while back, I shared a list of book titles that would make great band names. That one was based on books on my own bookshelves, but every time I visit friends who live nearby, I take a look at their shelves and marvel at all the great band-names-that-could-be. Check it out:

Love & Toil

Haj to Utopia (awesome Muslim-fronted riot grrl)

Captain Swing

No Straight Lines (queer pop-punk)

117 Days

Eve and the New Jerusalem (like Florence & the Machine but even weirder)

The Captive Mind

Old Men in Love (a Rat Pack tribute group)

Bread Givers

The House of Mirth

Between the Woods and the Water (a cross between the Decemberists and pan-flute-heavy nature-folk)

Neck Deep

Ball & Hammer

Peacocks, Chameleons, Centaurs (David Bowie-in-Labyrinth-style mythical glam)


FAT!SO? (fat-acceptance hardcore)

The Sigh (breathy acoustic something or other)

Landscape for a Good Woman (lesbian folk)

When the World Was Whole (either a nostalgic back-to-nature band or a music group used only in Whole Foods advertising)

Sweetness & Power (Him & Her but protest music)

Born to Kvetch (Jewish alternative—from the other Brooklyn)

Naked Economics

Speaking with Vampires (goth, obviously)

Useful Toil

Citizen, Invert, Queer

A Liberal Descent

London Under (a The Clash cover band)

Obviously, not every book title would make a great band name (not so much, Civil Engineering Reference Manual). But a surprising number do, indeed.

Are there any on your shelves that should grace a band’s name sometime soon?


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