Marcy Cook

Marcy Cook is a creator of short stories, comic book scripts, interviews and articles. She’s also a semi-professional cat wrangler with an insatiable lust for Lego. When not slapping words together she’s a sci-fi geek, comic book fan and avid reader. Follow her on Twitter: @marcyjcook.

Language Is So Queer

One trans reader on picking up a book about trans lives and written by trans authors, but full of outdated language.


Haven't read QUESTIONABLE CONTENT by Jeph Jacques yet? You should give it a try.

5 Reasons To Read Questionable Content by Jeph Jacques

Questionable Content by Jeph Jacques has been going for over ten years. Here's why you should read it, and where to start.

Five Reasons To Read Questionable Content by Jeph Jacques

Questionable Content by Jeph Jacques has been going for over ten years. Here's why you should read it, and where to start.

Marvel Answers: Why Does C-3PO Have a Red Arm?

How does C-3PO get a red arm before THE FORCE AWAKENS? Marvel answers that question in the Star Wars: C-3PO one-shot.

Feminist-Friendly Comic Books

This post is part of our International Women’s Day celebration. See all the posts here. Comics are gaining more women ...

Sex, Fur and Fun: Omaha, The Cat Dancer (Part One)

It was about 1985 when I started reading Omaha the Cat Dancer; I finally finished the story in 2014. Omaha is ...

Black Canary: DC’s Hidden Gem

  Black Canary is one of the more underrated comics DC is releasing. For me it’s inexplicable why that is when you ...

The Art of the Start: INSEXTS #1

You’ve got a handful of pages to prove your concept, to introduce your character, to get your hooks into your ...

The Importance of Body Representation in Comics

We here at Panels are taking some much needed time off; in the meantime, we’re revisiting some favorite old posts ...

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