James Wallace Harris

James Wallace Harris is a retired computer guy. Jim dreamed of writing science fiction in his social security years, but discovered he loved writing essays more. Life is short and novels are long. He’s written over a thousand essays for his blog Auxiliary Memory. Jim wrote about science fiction for SF Signal before it folded, and now for Worlds Without End. BookRiot gives him the opportunity to write about all the other kinds of books he loves. Finally, he has all the time in the world to read and write, but he never forgets poor Henry Bemis. (Who also found time enough at last, until an evil Twilight Zone fate took it all away.) Twitter: @JimHarris28

Who Jane Read, Who Read Jane: Austen’s Readers and Favorite Books

On the popular books from Jane Austen's time period, her known favorite titles, and the readers who enjoyed her work.

What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Science Fiction?

What is the point of science fiction, and how does it differ from fantasy or religion?

What the Ear Receives that the Eyes Ignore

How audiobooks became a game-changer for one reader.

Lending Audible Books with an Old Smartphone

How one audiobook listener gets around the impossibility of lending out audiobooks.

Simplex, Complex, Multiplex: Samuel R. Delany and Experience vs. Reading

Can fiction ever really tell us what a lived experience is like?

Do We Go to Book Clubs to Meet People or Books?

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Dig Into Genre With The Genreflecting Advisory Series

Genreflecting: a book series to help you dig deeper into new and favorite genres.

The Bits of Stories We Remember

Recalling those bits of stories we remember, as well as the bits we forget.

Shouldn’t Science Fiction Be Scaring Us?

Is science fiction beginning to accept a changed Earth instead of warning us about what's coming?

Researched Rereading

Why one reader researches the background of the books he rereads.

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