Carolina Ciucci

Carolina Ciucci is a teacher, writer and reviewer based in the south of Argentina. She hoards books like they’re going out of style. In case of emergency, you can summon her by talking about Ireland, fictional witches, and the Brontë family. Twitter: @carolinabeci

Which Literary Haunted House Would Be Your Home in the Afterlife?

Ever wondered what literary haunted house would be your home if you were to do some haunting of your own? This is your chance to find out.

6 of the Most Radical Librarians in History

These librarians changed the world through their activism and advocacy. Here are 6 of the most radical librarians in history.

What Is Media Literacy and How Can You Increase Your Own?

If you're interested in media literacy, read inside for a look into the state of media literacy in the USA and for tips to improve your own.

Reading Calvin & Hobbes for the First Time as an Adult

Growing up, I loved reading Sunday comic strips but was an adult before I read Calvin and Hobbes. The child I was didn't seem to care.

10 Witchy Bookish Items to Make Your Life Magical

If you love witches and books, you'll fall in love with these witchy bookish items that hold the best of both worlds.

11 Bookmarks for All Genres

Are you a fan of thematically-appropriate bookmarks? Look inside for a round-up of bookmarks for all genres.

Jane Bennet is Lovely…and Dangerous

Jane Bennet is a beautiful, kind, and generous person...and also a dangerous one. One reader explains why.

A Service of Being: What is the Writers in Residence Juvenile Detention Program?

Writers in Residence is a nonprofit teaching creative writing workshops to incarcerated youth. Learn about their work here.

Anatomy of a Book Cover: The Process of Book Cover Design

How does book cover design work? Find here an introduction to the process, both in self- and traditional publishing.

How to Make Your Reading Nook Feel Like a Coffee Shop

Do you love reading in coffee shops? This is how you can decorate your reading nook for maximum cozy vibes.

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