You know those books that everyone loves and that, on paper, are perfect you, but you just can't finish? This is about those.
Book Riot's librarians discuss Syria's secret free library, a library that operates in two countries at once, Australia's yearly Reading Hour, and more.
There's something magical about finding the right book at the right time, especially when it's in an unexpected place.
Reading, writing learning: the library degree (MLIS) is as necessary to me as libraries themselves.
Black and white, women and men, gay and straight, young and old, players and observers: my favorite books about basketball.
Getting to know ethnobiologist, native food and plant proponent, desert-lover, and poet Gary Paul Nabhan.
A lesbian sex book for anyone who's ever wondered what goes on behind closed doors in lesbian relationships; and who loves cats.
Why one future librarian is going the graduate degree (MLIS) path.