18 Sex Books with Unusual Covers
Because the way to feel less disgusting after a fall into this kind of internet rabbit hole is to share your findings with others. Here we go!
Soooo, they’re marketing this one to parents, yeah?
I can’t decide what’s worse: that I know what some of these actions are, or that I don’t know what ALL of them are.
Something something raise a pole something something tent in my pants.
Maybe there is something to that “what’s your sign?” business after all.
Gender stereotypes, ahoy! Is there a companion book for the Tired Working Man with, like, a briefcase and travel coffee mug on the cover?
Yes, because what I want when I’m thinking about sex is to be reminded of children. I dearly hope that the only people who buy this book do it as a joke.
Since when is weed good for the libido? This is news to me. BUT the jacket copy does say that Rihanna calls this book her “new encyclopedia.” So it has that going for it, which is nice.
Is it just me, or do steam-powered vibrators sound dangerous?
The author’s name, you guys. I can’t even.
When in doubt, put food on the cover. I give you exhibits A-I.
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