Bookish DIY: Book Totes for Kids
It’s an established fact that we’re fans of DIY at the Riot, whether we are the ones who “do” or we just buy from the ones that do, as evidenced by the countless Etsy listings that appear in the Book Fetish series.
Occasionally, I get inspired to dig through the internet, looking for new and interesting takes on bookish DIY, like these sewing projects and these Christmas decorations. This time round, I’m taking on the book bag. It is back-to-school time, after all.
I learn the most fascinating little cultural tidbits from the internet. For example, in Australia, it is apparently the norm to find a “library bag” on the school supply lists for primary school-aged kids. This is super nifty, as it is most certainly a bag that is designed for carrying the larger, flatter picture books that young kids would be carrying home from their school library. The handles are even shorter than average, too, making them easier on small hands. Pam from Threading My Way has put together several super-easy tutorials for quick DIY library bags that parents can make for their children to keep them from blending in with all the store-bought options.
Library Tote with Card Pocket
Kari at Ucreate put together this tutorial for quick and easy book-themed tote bags that include a ultra-handy pocket for your library card, something that I wish I’d had as a kid. I was constantly having to ask the librarian for a new card because I’d lost mine. There are some other variations on this theme, too, from Mo at Sew Mama Sew and Holly at Whip Up.
Fun with Fabric Paint
The chalkboard bag is another one that I wish I’d had as a kid. I still can’t remember to return my library books on time. A handy guide for making this bag, plus a really cool custom corkboard, comes from Allison at No Time For Flashcards. This is easily a project that can easily be combined with this stamped book bag project from Spoonful.
What’s the story behind your favorite book bag? Did you make it yourself? Tell us how you did it!