
The Most Successful Book Thief in American History

Why would someone steal tens of millions of dollars worth of books just to keep in their dilapidated house?

Soft and Quiet: Self-Censorship In An Era of Book Challenges

Teachers and librarians are increasingly asking "who will I make mad," and not "who needs this" when it comes to books.

The Cost of Reading: The Book Industry’s Carbon Footprint

How much do print books contribute to climate change? Are ebooks better for the environment than paper books? Here are the answers.

What Book Censorship Looks Like Outside the United States

Like the COVID-19 virus, book censorship is not only a problem in the United States — it’s also happening in other parts of the world.

20 Must-Read Nonfiction Sports Stories to Immerse You in the Games You Love

Immerse yourself in sports history and more with these must-read nonfiction sports stories, including classics like Moneyball and titles like Never Ran, Never Will.

How Are Libraries Recognizing Black History Month?

Libraries can celebrate BHM with displays, events, and more — but it won't mean much if the library isn't a safe place for Black people.

A Bookish Cross-Country U.S. Road Trip: Southern Pacific

8 states. 2400 miles. San Diego to Savannah. Hop in the car, because we're going on a bookish road trip across the Southern Pacific highway!

True Story: The Best Journalistic Nonfiction

Discover the best journalistic nonfiction and best narrative journalism covering race, natural disaster, sexuality, and more.

You Must Remember This: Why We Can’t Forget About Amnesia Romances

Why do authors keep coming back to the well of amnesia romances, like in A Cowboy to Remember by Rebekah Weatherspoon, and what purpose does this trope serve in telling a compelling love story?

How Khalil Gibran’s THE PROPHET Became a Quiet Cultural Powerhouse

Have you heard one of the readings from The Prophet at a wedding? A look at how Khalil Gibran's book became a quiet powerhouse.