#book buying ban

I Broke My Book Buying Ban and I am Not One Bit Sorry

Book buying bans and other challenges should work for you, not the other way around. If you need permission to break that ban, this is it.

5 Ways to Cope During a Book Buying Ban

Trying not to buy as many books? Do these things instead.

My Book-Buying Ban by the Numbers

Oh, this old book-buying ban? It's not going so well. Let's take a look at the numbers.

3 Tips for Sticking to a Book Buying Ban

This video is sponsored by our own Steamy Reads Box, a one-time box of our four favorite sexy reads and rad ...

10 Painless Ways to Stick to Your Book Buying Ban

Easy ways to keep yourself from spending more money on books in January

How I Failed At My Book-Buying Ban

Hi, my name is Jess and I have a problem. I have too many books. Most of us will say ...