Today in Books

So. Many. Book Links.

Jeff O'Neal

CEO and co-founder

Jeff O'Neal is the executive editor of Book Riot and Panels. He also co-hosts The Book Riot Podcast. Follow him on Twitter: @thejeffoneal.

Welcome to Today in Books, our daily round-up of literary headlines at the intersection of politics, culture, media, and more.

Fairly quiet on the books news front today (and I would expect it to be this way for awhile for reasons you can probably guess and are feeling yourself. Nervous), so I am clear out my digital pockets with a bunch of stuff I have saved for Today in Books, but don’t have much to say about this to say except: “Huh this is pretty interesting. I bet some people will be into this.”

Halloween Costumes for Writers [Gabino Iglesias on Substack]

AI Slop Is Flooding Medium [Wired]

At Stanford, a Change to Creative Writing Feels Personal {The Chronicle of Higher Education]

The Older You Get, the Less Time You Have for Bad Books [LitHub]

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