In Translation

Sites We Like: Read the World

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You want to diversify your reading, but you don’t know how. Well, someone made a website for that. Read the World lets you find books based on the country in which they’re set. Want to read a book that takes place in Senegal? Then it is So Long a Letter by Mariama Bâ for you, my friend. The Netherlands? Herman Koch’s The Dinner. Want to focus on general travel? That’s there, too!

As Book Riot is committed to giving you up-to-the-minute brand-spanking-new book news, this site is as fresh as the Prince of Bel-Air and only just starting to create its lists.

read the world table of contents

Nevertheless, there’s enough there to get you well on your way to geographic reading diversity. (I do, however, demand a Polar category for those of us who wish to read about people determinedly slogging through ice in order to prove something)

Follow the site on Twitter at @read_the_world and on Instagram at