Comics/Graphic Novels


Our daily round-up of news around the comics space, from the gutters and beyond.

The Muppets beg Clark Gregg for Agents of SHIELD Season 3 spoilers, but that information is top secret, classified behind clearance level 7.

Ummm I love it. It’s the crossover we deserve.

But there’s one common argument that combines dull wit with frothy anger to such exhausting effect that it deserves special attention; ‘If you don’t like it, make your own.’

Many, many good points in this article. It’s such a frustrating and ineffective argument.

While we have some excellent characters of color, there are a few points of contention: 1) Most of them are Black and other races have significantly less representation; 2) with so few characters of color, it’s easier to make them a function of stereotypes; 3) most of these characters are cisheterosexual, something I’ll address in the future.

And good points about race in comics in this article as well. It’s so encouraging that things are getting better on this front, but we still have a ways to go.