
If Literary Characters were Lifestyle Bloggers

While we at the Riot take some time off to rest and catch up on our reading, we’re re-running some of our favorite posts from the last several months. Enjoy our highlight reel, and we’ll be back with new stuff on Monday, January 5th.

This post originally ran November 5, 2014.

Let’s imagine what it would be like if seven literary characters had their own lifestyle blogs…

Tom-Riddle7 Ways to Upcycle Priceless Antiques (And Repurpose Your Soul!)
Tom M. Riddle
We’ve all got them: mismatched goblets, gaudy rings, diadems that are just too fancy for everyday wear…


Tom-RiddleSpruce Up Your Space and Your Face: Painting Your Cares Away
D. Gray
Large-scale art can be so expensive, but the stress of those blank white walls can take years off your life…


Becky Sharp

Borrow and Run: Dressing for Success on a Budget
Becky Sharp
We can’t all be heiresses and marrying into money isn’t as easy as it looks. Here are six ways to manipulate yourself into a new wardrobe for the coming season…


Lady Macbeth

When Spots Won’t Listen
L. MacBeth
You’ve tried commanding them to leave, but those spots won’t be ousted—and they’re driving you mad. Try this mix of baking soda and…


Edward Rochester

“It’s Just the Wind” and Other Ways to Distract Your Date from the Mad Person in Your Attic
Ed Rochester
Don’t let your crazy spouse put a damper on your romantic evening. Try these sure-fire lines to redirect the conversation…


Dorothy Gale

Gingham and Rubies: How to Mix High- and Low-Fashion Pieces
Dorothy Gale
Learn how to balance your wardrobe with these high and low pieces and your frenemies will be green with envy…


William GuppyFlames on the Side of Their Face: Cleaning Up After a Spontaneous Combustion
William Guppy
Be it an alcoholic landlord or an over-indulgent guest, spontaneous combustion happens, and you’re left to clean up the ashes…


Did you know that Book Riot has a YouTube channel? We do. It’s new and we are having fun with it. Check it out here.
