Introducing: Book Riot News
Since we started Book Riot a couple of years ago, two things about the bookish internet have been steady sources of delight and frustration:
Fact #1 (the delightful one): There is an amazing number of interesting, funny, and educational stories about books and reading out there.
Fact #2 (the frustrating one): This amazing number of interesting bookish stories exists on Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, RSS, email newsletters, link blogs, and on and on.
We find more stories worth reading every day than we can possibly link to or write about. And honestly, much of it doesn’t need anything more than a “Hey, here is an interesting thing.”
So, we made a place to put these links, for us and for anyone who wants to join us: Book Riot News.
It’s a familiar structure: people submit links, and people upvote the links they like. And you can comment on links too if you’d like.
Here’s what’s maybe unfamiliar for some sites (ahem) with this structure: no one gets to call you an idiot or make fun of you or otherwise be a jerk here, at least not more than once. That’s what our community guidelines say and that’s what our own moderation will do.
So try it out. It’s already become part of our daily internet routine, and we hope you will join us.