
Homer’s The Odyssey and Other Recent Literary LEGO Goodness

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Kristina Pino

Staff Writer

Teacher, Avid Traveler, Life-long Reader, Beer Guzzler, Jigsaw Puzzle Lover, Disney Mega-fan, and other Fancy Titles can be used to describe Kristina. She spends her time blogging, tweeting, vlogging, podcasting, and making puzzles when she isn’t out having an adventure, cozied up with a book, or responding to the Bat Signal. She’s from sunny, tropical South Florida. Her life is pretty awesome right now. Blog: GeekeryDo Twitter: GeekeryDo


I ran into this video of an absolutely incredible collaboration project depicting Homer’s The Odyssey in LEGO that was shown at Brickworld Chicago this year, and I just had to share it. Having just read that story recently, I super appreciate all the hard work and detail that went into this amazing display, and I hope you will too. Even if you don’t remember every bit of the epic tale, it’s a sight to behold.

Of course, after seeing this I figured I should share some other literary brickwork I’ve seen lately (full disclosure/extra fun link: I discovered some of these through my go-to brick blog The Brothers Brick), so here goes:

Lighting of the Beacons (From Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King), and other LotR-related builds over at Sergeant Chipmunk’s photostream.

Captain America, Spider-Man, Batman, and other comics character portraits over at Chris McVeigh’s photostream.

Another LotR build, this time of Smaug, by builder Shawn Snyder. There are tons more pictures over at his flickr, and it’s worth checking out all the details. He’s 28 inches from head to toe, and has a 35-inch wingspan – massive.


Also from Brickworld Chicago this year, have a look at scenes from The Princess Bride all done up in LEGO parts.

The Red Wedding
The Red Wedding from A Storm of Swords, built by the folks at Waterstones. More pictures of their brick work here.


And just to round things out, one of the trailers for The Fault in Our Stars got re-done in LEGO by Aaron for an assignment.