Highly Comprehensible Blurbs Useful to the Average Reader
If you are like me, your choice of reading material is sometimes influenced by the descriptive blurbs often found on the back cover of books. These blurbs often include comparisons to one or more other authors or books, so that fans of those might know what to find. I personally am imminently grateful for these illuminating pieces of descriptive prose and it is in that spirit of gratitude that I would like to give back by offering following suggestions for highly comprehensible, descriptive blurbs and phrases that I believe will be of great use to the average reader.
“Part American Girl, part Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, this historical thrill ride will have YA fans on the edge of their seats!”
“A sparse, elegiac re-telling in the vein of Marissa Meyer or John Milton”
“Charlotte Brontë meets Guy Fieri in this riveting deep-sea diving memoir”
“Candace Bushnell by way of Donna Tartt – uproarious!”
“Readers of that book originally written in a language other than English will be sure to devour this completely different book from a completely different author from a completely different country who happens to write in the same language!”
“A whimsical cross between Neil Gaiman, E.L. James and the handwritten note from your landlord reminding you to turn the lights off in the laundry room when you leave.”
“Writing in the tradition of Horace Walpole and Tucker Max …”
“This debut combines the sizzle of Jackie Collins with the melancholic misanthropy of J.D. Salinger – a triumph!”
“An original, incisive glimpse into the deepest corners of the human heart. If Charles Dickens wrote an Ikea assembly manual, this would be it!”
“gonzo Edith Wharton”
“A gluten-free cookbook fans of Jonathan Franzen and Wishbone won’t want to miss!”
“If you loved Gone, Girl you’ll love this psychological thriller or mystery or noir or female-written work of literary fiction about modern marriage or sexism or a complex female character or revenge or murder!”