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10 Perfect Gifts for Book Lovers (That Aren’t Books)

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The perfect gift is the gift that is perfect for them. That’s why at ThriftBooks with our millions of new and used titles you can find the perfect gift for everyone on your list. From Swifties to Trekkies, History buffs to Romance Lovers, and everyone in between, you can find the right gift for everyone on your list. Become a super gifter with our guides for every type of reader, and with our prices plus FREE SHIPPING on orders over $15, you can get a gift for everyone and earn a super gifter reputation without breaking a sweat (or your bank!)

With the holidays fast approaching, it’s time to start thinking about gifts. But not just any gifts: gifts for book lovers. You may think, “That’s easy! I’ll just buy them a book.” But book-giving is tricky business: there’s always the possibility that they already have the book in question, have no interest in reading it, or don’t want any more books until they’ve read the ones they have (such people are rare, but they exist). So why not get creative and get them something that will enrich their reading life? Or something that will help them proclaim to the world that they are, in fact, book lovers.

The prices in this gift guide range from “extremely affordable” to “on the pricier side”, so there’s something for all budgets. There’s also something for all tastes: is your loved one a dark academia person at heart? You’ll find something for them. Are they more into cottagecore? Ditto. And who knows, perhaps after reading this post, you’ll decide that you simply need one of these ten items yourself. If that means blowing your gift-giving budget on yourself, well, that’s between you, me, and your bank account.

Birth flower personalized bookmark
Photo by Soulfeel on Etsy

All book lovers should have a personalized bookmark. Give them this one. $28+

DIY Book nook
Photo by CircusWoodenDreams on Etsy

Want to help them decorate their bookshelf? This DIY book nook is sure to be a crowd-pleaser. $80

a green oversized armchair
Photo by HAOMarkets on Amazon

If you have a bigger budget, why not ensure that your book lover is at their most comfortable while reading by giving them this armchair? $220

Personalized book tote
Photo by NessBoutiqueArt on Etsy

This personalized tote lets you choose which books to include, so you can be sure they reflect your reader’s favorites. $27+

Book lover mug
Photo by MadisonEmiliaDesigns

No self-respecting book lover can lack a book lover mug. This one says what we’re all thinking. $20

Reading journal
Photo by Archleys on Etsy

With the new year approaching, give them a journal to chronicle their reading. $27

Mini book necklace
Photo by JewelryByCompliment on Etsy

Jewelry always works…when it’s in the shape of a book. $41+

Book lamp
Photo by PapertowelsCo on Etsy

A reading lamp that’s also a foldable book? What could be better? $39

Skull bookend
Photo by theblackenedteeth on Etsy

Bookends are a necessity in a book lover’s world. This skull bookend will appeal to the dark academia fans in your life. $64

Duck bookend
Photo by KooCreativeArt on Etsy

Is your book lover more into the cutesy and cottagecore? Give them this adorable duck bookend. $34+

Can’t get enough bookish goodies? Check out these Gifts for Indie Bookstore Lovers and these Absolutely Extra Gift Ideas for Book Lovers.