Delicious Food Bookmarks to Drool Over
We all have very different relationships to food, but one thing is universal: we all have some kind of relationship to food (see what I did there?). Whether you’re an ardent foodie or are someone who prefers to eat enough to keep going and think about it no more, chances are you have some kind of preferences or rituals around what you eat. Maybe you’re a big fan of cupcakes or passionate about a good slice of pizza, I’ve pulled together some of the cutest and most fun food bookmarks you can imagine.
Find below a roundup of food bookmarks ranging from magnetic to corner savers, from the kind of a hook that hangs in your book’s gutter to a more traditional bookmark with a tassel. Besides style, these bookmarks will offer a little bit of everything food-wise, from sushi to fried eggs, bacon, and more.
Once you’ve gone through these fun food bookmarks, never fret. You can also dig into these delicious fruit bookmarks, which are perfect for saving your page when you’re making the best pineapple upside down cake from your favorite cookbook.
Delicious Food Bookmarks
Love milk and cereal? Love ’em as they hold your place, too. What an adorable magnetic bookmark. $5.50 for a set of two.
Use this bookmark on Taco Tuesday (and every other time you think about how tacos are the perfect food). $1.50 for the corner page holder.
These strawberry bookmarks are so sweet. $1.50.
This pickle bookmark is kind of a big dill — you can see right through it. $8.
Snag some sushi bookmarks and you’ll be on a roll. $3 and up.
Back in my librarian days, I used to buy bulk bacon bookmarks for my teens. This one doesn’t have the same scratch-and-sniff option as those did, but it’s pretty fun nonetheless. $5.
Whatever your cookie craving, you can find the perfect bookmark for it. $14 for these almost-real-enough-to-eat cookie bookmarks.
This set of watercolor vegetable bookmarks are really perfect for the gardener in your life. $14.
How delightful are these cherry cupcake bookmarks? Grab the set for $6.
This entire shop of utensils-turned-bookmarks is a wonder, but I’m especially here for this fork of pumpkin pie. $20.
[Insert bad joke here for my fellow elder millennials]. I do love avocado toast though and these two magnetic bookmarks go together like, well, avocado and toast. $4.
Choose your perfect banana bookmark. $3 and up.
I’m super eggs-cited by this beautiful faux leather egg bookmark. $8.
Pizza mountains. That’s all. Pizza mountains. $5 and up.