As someone who grew up Harry Potter and adored it, it's heartbreaking to admit, but the franchise has become synonymous with transphobia.
Autoethnography weaves together personal experience with greater cultural context, blending memoir with anthropological observation.
Not every book has to be a five star, life-changing read. It's okay to just read for mindless entertainment sometimes.
Has TikTok ruined reading by making it shallow and commercial, or is it inspiring a new generation of passionate readers? Let's explore.
It's January, which means many readers are setting reading resolutions for the year. But are your goals turning reading into a chore?
Some tough love around end of year reading wrap ups.
As is evident from the latest messy book world drama.
To democratize ebook reading, it’s past time to abandon proprietary file formats in favor of the widely used EPUB.
Because if you’re using sexist terminology to qualify your tropes, you’re basically saying that there is a set way to apply them.
Bedtime stories are common for young children, but we're missing out if we stop reading aloud when we grow up.