If your reading life was a video game, what would the side quests be? Here are some suggestions to gamify your reading life with fun side missions.
Homelessness in contemporary fiction has been under- and misrepresented, but are things taking a turn for the better?
Romance novels have a reputation for questionable consent, but modern romance novels are much more interested in consent than other genres.
NaNoWriMo is intense for writers. How can you support a friend who is doing this challenge? Here are some suggestions!
The fascinating history of Emily Post, woman behind etiquette guides and so much more — and why she deserves a biopic ASAP.
Why aren't credits pages standard in books? A look at an example of a credits page and what it offers to a wide range of readers.
Is there a way to engage with true crime responsibly? A reader examines her own relationship to the genre as well as our collective obsession.
How a gimmick to write more became one of the biggest literary events online.
"The Girl With The Green Ribbon" gave you nightmares in elementary school, and it's a story with a long history and promising future.
Are we in the midst of a Gothic literature boom? A reader dives into a recent boom in the subgenre and explores some of its trademark tropes.