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Book Riot Will Match Your Donation to the National Network of Abortion Funds



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Update (August 10, 2022): Book Riot readers sent in proof of almost $1,500 in donations to the National Network of Abortion Funds! We’ve also made our maximum matching donation of $2,500 USD. Here’s the receipt, and thank you for joining us in this effort.

receipt for a $2500 donation from Riot New Media Group to the National Network of Abortion Funds

From Monday, July 25th to Monday August 1st, Book Riot will be matching donations to The National Network of Abortion Funds, up to $2,500 USD. Read on to see why why we’ve chosen to support this organization and for instructions on how to donate.

With the landmark decision Roe being overturned by the Supreme Court, the rights of individuals to their own bodies is once again on the line across the country. Last fall, the Supreme Court failed to intervene in Texas’s draconian new law banning all abortions after six weeks. It was only a matter of time for the nation to see abortion changed more broadly and now, where you live determines what your access to safe, routine medical care looks like.

Story after story is emerging of the dire reality across America. A 10-year-old rape victim had to travel from Ohio to Indiana to secure an abortion and has become subject to an excruciating media cycle over whether or not the story is true. Miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies are subject to confusion among medical providers in several states, including whether or not to treat an individual who is bleeding because it might endanger the life of an unviable fetus. Methotrexate users, a common drug used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, including arthritis, lupus, and cancer, is being denied to individuals because it could impact pregnancy. Those who simply do not want to be pregnant now only have rights over their bodies if they are in the correct state or, for the time being, if they have means to get to a state to have an abortion.

The creation of confusion over what is and is not permitted and ever-escalating forced-birth legislation in different states is not only detrimental to people, but it’s detrimental to science, research, and information more broadly. By creating confusion and distrust through false narratives of what life is, we become more beholden to politicians looking for their next election win, rather than a medical and science community dedicated to truth, accuracy, and the actual advancement of human kind.

Last year, we matched $2500 in donations to Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas to help in their efforts in getting abortion access to those in need. This year, we’re matching $2500 in donations to the National Network of Abortion Funds:

The National Network of Abortion Funds builds power with members to remove financial and logistical barriers to abortion access by centering people who have abortions and organizing at the intersections of racial, economic, and reproductive justice.

We envision a world where every reproductive decision, including abortion, takes place in thriving communities that are safe, peaceful, and affordable. We envision a world where all people have the power and resources to care for and affirm their bodies, identities, and health for themselves and their families — in all areas of their lives. As we shift the conversation about abortion, it will become a real option, accessible without shame or judgment.

The National Network of Abortion Funds is in critical need of support, and all donations to their general fund are being deployed for programs in dire need. Your dollar will make an immediate impact on securing healthcare for those in need.

We encourage you to participate financially if you can by making a donation here. We will match every donation up to $2500. Upload your proof of donation in the form below and we will update this post with the final donation amount on 8/3. The matching campaign will run 7/25 until 11:45 p.m. Eastern on 8/01.

Can’t donate money? That is okay! We encourage you to share this campaign for others who may be able to and invite you to get involved in other capacities. The National Network of Abortion Funds maintains a state-by-state list of organizations they support, alongside updates of events in those locations. You’ll also find a wealth of information about abortions through books about abortion rightsnonfiction about abortion, and abortion in YA lit. Though we have seen more abortion in fiction and in nonfiction, it’s never going to be enough.

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