Here’s How to Help a Queer Bookstore in Utah Survive
Welcome to The Best of Book Riot, our daily round-up of what’s on offer across our site, newsletters, podcasts, and social channels. Not everything is for everyone, but there is something for everyone.
Everything You Need to Know About Interior Chinatown for the TV Series Adaptation
Charles Yu’s mind-bending experimental novel Interior Chinatown was one of 2020’s most buzzworthy books. Now it’s been adapted into a limited series on Hulu starring Jimmy O. Yang, directed by Taika Waititi, released on November 19. Although it takes some significant departures from the novel, the series still plays with perspective and form, making for a wild ride full of action, humor, and thought-provoking surprises. We’ve got a refresher on the Interior Chinatown book, a look at the new series, and a few book recommendations for fans. (Because who would we be if we didn’t have a few book recommendations in our back pocket?) Let’s dive in!
Let’s Help a Queer Bookstore in Utah Survive
In 2023, Drag Queen Tara and their King dreamed of building a space that would be a safe haven for their queer community. That dream came in the form of a community center bookstore they named Mosaics. The store in Provo, Utah, is home to not only books; it’s also home to the United Drag Alliance. Both the Alliance and Mosaics are nonprofits with the goal of uplifting and celebrating LGBTQ+, BIPOC, and other marginalized voices and experiences.
The Best Fantasy Screenplays, Historic (Fake) Alien Invasions, and More SFF News
In today’s round-up of recent sci-fi and fantasy links, we’re going to talk about the world’s largest organism, the best fantasy screenplays, a UFO hoax, and more!
NPR Shares Their Big List of Favorite Books for 2024
One of the more unique spins on the best books of the year is NPR’s annual Books We Love roundup. This interactively, highly sortable list features titles that will be familiar staples on other best of list, alongside dozens of fresh titles and recommendations for readers.
The Latest Library News
Donald Trump threatens to sue Penguin Random House over books that are critical of him, Dolly Parton donates $4.5 million to Nashville Public Library, and more news.