Literary Activism

Let’s Help a Queer Bookstore in Utah Survive

In 2023, Drag Queen Tara and their King dreamed of building a space that would be a safe haven for their queer community. That dream came in the form of a community center bookstore they named Mosaics. The store in Provo, Utah, is home to not only books; it’s also home to the United Drag Alliance. Both the Alliance and Mosaics are nonprofits with the goal of uplifting and celebrating LGBTQ+, BIPOC, and other marginalized voices and experiences.

You may remember that Mosaics found itself with the dubious honor of having a bomb threat back in April of this year. Unfortunately, that was neither the first nor last bomb threat the community-centered bookstore experienced. There was one in September 2023 and again in July 2024.

Those bomb threats took a toll not only on the store but also on Tara and their family. People have shown up to Drag Story Hours hosted beyond Mosaics, including elsewhere in Utah and Wyoming, which feature Tara as a guest. They were also doxxed out of their home and have had to move with their family into an undisclosed location. Tara’s health has also been directly impacted by these threats and acts of violence against their life and the lives of their loved ones.

Now, Mosaics is at risk of being shut down.

Image from the inside of Mosaics, courtesy of their indiegogo campaign.
Image of the inside of Mosaics from their IndieGoGo campaign.

Given the need to have a safe space for queer people and their allies anywhere in the United States, especially in places like Utah where the state has put a target on the back of LGBTQ+ people over the last several legislative sessions, private institutions like Mosaics serve a crucial purpose. Closure would be a tremendous loss.

To stay viable going into 2025, Mosaics needs to raise $200,000. This includes $6,500 in monthly operational costs, alongside $60,000 in labor costs—directly impacting trans, genderqueer, nonbinary, and other queer employees. Additional expenses include medical care, mental health services, and future projects for the organization.

The good news is, no matter what your location and financial reality right now, you can help save this queer-centered bookstore and organization.

Crowd Fundraising

Mosaics launched an IndieGoGo campaign that offers the opportunity to make any sized financial donation. You can also make donations in different denominations and earn perks for doing so, ranging from a personalized thank you, a virtual Drag Story House show, naming rights to a space in Mosaics, and more.

Personal Purchases


You can set your account to purchase audiobooks through Mosaics. Each purchase will benefit the bookstore and United Drag Alliance nonprofit. Grab a couple of LGBTQ+ audiobooks through this week—or sign up for a membership for a year of audiobooks—with Mosaics as your bookstore of choice. Note: if you have another indie you support already this way, just temporarily change the store.


Do some independent bookstore shopping through Set your bookstore to Mosaics and make some purchases.

Stop in Store

If you’re in Provo or nearby, stop at the store to do some shopping. Even if books are not in your budget, you can show up to any of the events they’ve got planned throughout December (scroll down on the link to find them). That support cannot be highlighted enough.

Another option for locals is to book their event space for your own use.

Share Their Story

Follow Mosaics on social media—they’re on Instagram and Facebook—and share their story on your own social media. Thanks to posts on TikTok, they’ve seen a boost in visibility and, as a result, financial support.

Make Connections Where Possible

At the bottom of the IndieGoGo campaign for Mosaics, the team asks if you have any knowledge or connections to grants or sponsorship opportunities, to reach out. You can email and they will be back in touch.