Emma Nichols

Emma Nichols is a career bookseller. Though she expected to grow up to be a librarian, or a witch, she's quite happy with how things are working out. Officially, she specializes in children's books and manages their book fairs; unofficially, she is passionate about short stories and spreadsheets. When not evangelizing her favorite books to unsuspecting customers, she can be heard discussing books and bookselling on her podcast Drunk Booksellers. Her other hobbies include organizing her books, taking pictures of her cat, and binge-re-watching her favorite TV shows. Blog: The Bibliot Twitter: @thebibliot

Bookish Ways to Combat the Holiday Blues

Missing your family this Christmas? We've got plenty of ways to combat the holiday blues by giving back, making crafts, and starting new traditions.

25 Picture Books That Promote Empathy and Respect

In light of the recent election we present you with 25 picture books that present what we wish to see in our community and president: empathy and respect

8 Reasons to Catalog Your Books (and How to Do It)

We have eight reasons why you should count and catalog your personal library, plus instructions on how to get it done.

Five Fantastic Heroines from Picture Books

Five recent picture books with excellent heroines!

7 Tips For Packing Vacation Reads

Packing books for vacation might be one of the single most difficult situations I’ve faced in my bookish life. via ...

How to Cope with Coming to the End of a Series

That feeling that sweeps or creeps over you as you read the last line in a long series of books ...

What the Cats of Neko Atsume Are Reading

Whether you check on your cats daily, twice daily, or scoff at the thought, you’ve probably heard of Neko Atsume, ...

How To Buy Baby’s First Favorite Book (and Be the Best Aunt Ever)

So, my sister is having a baby soon (so soon in fact, that by the time you’re reading this said ...

5 Books to Read All Year

I’d be lying if I said I haven’t been planning new ways to get organized, start fresh, and begin the ...

8 Reasons to Catalog Your Books (and How to Do It)

There’s something about being a bookselling book nerd that makes you want to bring your work home with you. Which ...

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