Literary Activism

Little Free Library’s Action Book Club has an Environmental Theme in 2022

Since 2017, Little Free Library has run the Action Book Club, a book club where “participants read books on timely topics, engage in lively discussions, and take part in meaningful—and fun—group service projects to benefit their communities.” Participants sign up their local group, read a book on the topic, do a service project based on the theme, and then share their story online to encourage others to do the same.

an Action Book Club graphic showing the steps

Action Book Club has 1,400 registered clubs and 65,000 members of all ages in 45 countries, and they’ve announced that their theme for 2022 will be In Our Nature, “honoring the environment, our planet, and how we connect with the world around us.” They include a list of possible book choices, including options for kids, teens, and adult readers.

They are also hosting a giveaway: “Sign up your Action Book Club by February 28, and you’ll be entered to win a special selection of Action Book Club titles or the grand-prize: an eco-friendly Little Free Library book-sharing box made of recycled milk jugs!”

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