Hattie is a comics scholar and obsessive reader from Brighton(ish) but living in Glasgow, Scotland where she is working towards a PhD in Canadian Studies, more specifically about Québécois comics and politics. Mostly she reads comics about other peoples’ lives because she’s nosy like that. She is an enthusiastic, if not experienced, seamstress and could win Olympic Gold Medals if only Procrasti-Sewing and Procrasti-Baking were recognised sports. A not insignificant percentage of her free time is spent worrying about whether her cats like her as much as she likes them. She is resident Quebec Comics Monkey over at Graphixia where she likes to lay claim to being more Canadian than she really is.
Twitter: @HattieK
On Tuesday Boom Studios made the announcement that they will be working with DC Comics and Summer 2016 will see a six issue crossover event between Gotham Academy and Lumberjanes.
Today, I would like to chronicle for you the stages of my response to this momentous news.
“Sorry, could you repeat that please?”
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