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Most of Tirzah Price's life decisions have been motivated by a desire to read as many books as humanly possible. Tirzah holds an MFA in Writing for Children & Young Adults from Vermont College of Fine Arts, and has worked as an independent bookseller and librarian. She’s also the author of the Jane Austen Murder Mysteries, published by HarperTeen, and Bibliologist at TBR: Tailored Book Recommendations. Follow her on Twitter @TirzahPrice.
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Welcome to Book Fetish: Volume 484, your weekly round up of bookish clothing, art, accessories, reading tools, and more from around the web!
Bookshop Print ($3): Spruce up your space with this gorgeous downloadable bookshop print that will make you want to go to the bookstore ASAP.
Once Upon a Time Bookends ($56): These bookends add a little whimsy and order to your bookshelves!
Raise Your Hand If You’ve Ever Been Personally Victimized by BookTok Sticker ($4): If you know, you know.
Cozy Books, How Chocolate, Snowy Days Magnetic Bookmark ($4): Take me there, please!
Book Nerd T-Shirt ($32): For when you feel like wearing something cute and floral, but you want the world to know you love books.
Looking for more bookish goodies? Check out our other Book Fetish posts!