Giveaway: Wait, What? By James E. Ryan
This giveaway is sponsored by Wait, What? by James E. Ryan.
In Wait, What?, James Ryan, dean of Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education, celebrates the art of asking—and answering—good questions. Five questions in particular: Wait, what?; I wonder . . . ?; Couldn’t we at least . . . ?; How can I help?; and What truly matters? From the Supreme Court to Fenway Park, Ryan demonstrates how these five essential questions generate understanding, spark curiosity, initiate progress, build relationship, and point out the important things in life. Hilarious and illuminating, poignant and surprising, this inspirational book of wisdom will forever change the way you think about questions.
We have 10 copies of Wait, What? by James E. Ryan to give away to 10 Riot readers. Just complete the form below to enter. Entries are limited to the United States and will be accepted until 11:59pm, Tuesday, April 18th. Winners will be randomly selected.