100 Must-Read Books About Life in Cults and Oppressive Religious Sects
As you may have realized from my last piece, I love to settle down with a piping hot cup of coffee, snuggle into some fuzzy blankets… and proceed to be stricken blind with white hot rage and righteous indignation. And, for me, nothing seems to accomplish that faster and more thoroughly than reading about the victims of cults, extremist religions, and strict fundamentalism.
The following list represents just a small portion of the religions (past and present) that have been identified as encouraging practices that are destructive psychologically, emotionally, and physically. These are the memoirs and stories about people who feel they were forced to escape oppressive religious sects. This list does not serve to condemn those people that feel fulfilled by their chosen spiritual paths.
If you feel that a loved one is being abused by a cult or a religious organization, I implore you to reach out to FACT (Families Against Cult Teachings and Abuses). Their Victim Support page contains helpful information, advice and resources.
- The World in Flames: A Black Boyhood in a White Supremacist Doomsday Cult by Jerald Walker – When The World in Flames begins, in 1970, Jerry Walker is six years old. His consciousness revolves around being a member of a church whose beliefs he finds not only confusing but terrifying. Composed of a hodgepodge of requirements and restrictions (including a prohibition against doctors and hospitals), the underpinning tenet of Herbert W. Armstrong’s Worldwide Church of God was that its members were divinely chosen and all others would soon perish in rivers of flames.
- Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology by Leah Remini– Leah Remini has never been the type to hold her tongue. That willingness to speak her mind, stand her ground, and rattle the occasional cage has enabled this tough-talking girl from Brooklyn to forge an enduring and successful career in Hollywood. But being a troublemaker has come at a cost.
- Massacre at Waco: The Shocking True Story of Cult Leader David Koresh and the Branch Davidians by Clifford L. Linedecker – On 19 April 1993 the world was shocked when a compound in the little-known Texas town of Waco was engulfed in flames. Inside were 87 members of the Branch Davidians, an offshoot cult of the Seventh Day Adventists, and their charismatic and fanatical leader, David Koresh, who had survived a 51-day siege by federal agents. All of them men, women and children – died horribly. This book analyzes this siege, a seige that dominated the headlines for weeks and had the world breathlessly watching and waiting for an outcome.
- Heaven’s Gate: America’s UFO Religion by Benjamin E. Zeller – In this fascinating overview, Benjamin Zeller not only explores the question of why the members of Heaven’s Gate committed ritual suicides, but interrogates the origin and evolution of the religion, its appeal, and its practices.
- A Queer and Pleasant Danger: The True Story of a New Jewish Boy Who Joins the Church of Scientology and Leaves Twelve Years Later to Become the Lovely Lady She is Today by Kate Bornstein – A stunningly original memoir of a nice Jewish boy who joined the Church of Scientology and left twelve years later, ultimately transitioning to a woman. A few years later, she stopped calling herself a woman and became famous as a gender outlaw.
- Tears of the Silenced: A True Crime and an American Tragedy; Severe Child Abuse and Leaving the Amish by Misty Griffin – I had survived a lifetime of severe child abuse but I was still trapped in a world of fear, animal cruelty and sexual abuse. Going to the police was severely frowned upon. Based on the Author’s tragic true life story.
- Helter Skelter: The True Story of the Manson Murders by Vincent Bugliosi and Curt Gentry – In the summer of 1969, in Los Angeles, a series of brutal, seemingly random murders captured headlines across America. A famous actress (and her unborn child), an heiress to a coffee fortune, a supermarket owner and his wife were among the seven victims. A thin trail of circumstances eventually tied the Tate-LeBianca murders to Charles Manson, a would-be pop singer of small talent living in the desert with his “family” of devoted young women and men. What was his hold over them? And what was the motivation behind such savagery? In the public imagination, over time, the case assumed the proportions of myth. The murders marked the end of the sixties and became an immediate symbol of the dark underside of that era.
- Prophet’s Prey: My Seven-Year Investigation into Warren Jeffs and the Fundamentalist Church of Latter-Day Saints by Sam Brower – From the private investigator who cracked open the case that led to the conviction of Warren Jeffs, the maniacal prophet of the polygamous Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints (FLDS), comes the page-turning, horrifying story of how a rogue sect used sex, money, and power disguised under a facade of religion to further criminal activities and a madman’s vision.
- Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief by Lawrence Wright – A clear-sighted revelation, a deep penetration into the world of Scientology by the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Looming Tower, the now-classic study of al-Qaeda’s 9/11 attack. Based on more than two hundred personal interviews with current and former Scientologists—both famous and less well known—and years of archival research, Lawrence Wright uses his extraordinary investigative ability to uncover for us the inner workings of the Church of Scientology.
- Inside Scientology: The Story of America’s Most Secretive Religion by Janet Reitman – Now Janet Reitman tells its riveting full story in the first objective modern history of Scientology, at last revealing the astonishing truth about life within the controversial religion for its members and ex-members. Based on five years of research, confidential documents, and extensive interviews with current and former Scientologists, this is an utterly compelling work of nonfiction and the defining work on an elusive faith.
- Raven: The Untold Story of the Rev. Jim Jones and His People by Tim Reiterman – Tim Reiterman’s Raven provides the seminal history of the Rev. Jim Jones, the Peoples Temple, and the murderous ordeal at Jonestown in 1978. This PEN Award–winning work explores the ideals-gone-wrong, the intrigue, and the grim realities behind the Peoples Temple and its implosion in the jungle of South America. Reiterman’s reportage clarifies enduring misperceptions of the character and motives of Jim Jones, the reasons why people followed him, and the important truth that many of those who perished at Jonestown were victims of mass murder rather than suicide.
- The Road to Jonestown: Jim Jones and Peoples Temple by Jeff Guinn – By the New York Times bestselling author of Manson, the comprehensive, authoritative, and tragic story of preacher Jim Jones, who was responsible for the Jonestown Massacre—the largest murder-suicide in American history.
- My Life in Orange: Growing Up with the Guru by Tim Guest – At the age of six, Tim Guest was taken by his mother to a commune modeled on the teachings of the notorious Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. The Bhagwan preached an eclectic doctrine of Eastern mysticism, chaotic therapy, and sexual freedom, and enjoyed inhaling laughing gas, preaching from a dentist’s chair, and collecting Rolls Royces.
- Call Me Evil, Let Me Go: A Mother’s Struggle to Save her Children from a Brutal Religious Cult by Sarah Jones – Sarah had lived in fear for over a decade. Humiliated, ostracised and brainwashed, her spirit had been crushed. But as the realisation of what she was subjecting her children to began to sink in, she found new strength and determination – the strength to try to escape the world that had consumed her for so long.
- fathermothergod: My Journey Out of Christian Science by Lucia Greenhouse – Lucia Ewing had what looked like an all-American childhood. She lived with her mother, father, sister, and brother in an affluent suburb of Minneapolis, where they enjoyed private schools, sleep-away camps, a country club membership, and skiing vacations. Surrounded by a tight-knit extended family, and doted upon by her parents, Lucia had no doubt she was loved and cared for. But when it came to accidents and illnesses, Lucia’s parents didn’t take their kids to the doctor’s office–they prayed, and called a Christian Science practitioner.
- His Favorite Wife: Trapped in Polygamy by Susan Ray Schmidt – His Favorite Wife is the heart-stopping, inspirational narrative of a courageous fifteen year-old girl who becomes the sixth wife in a polygamous marriage.
- Underground: The Tokyo Gas Attack and the Japanese Psyche by Haruki Murakami – In this haunting work of journalistic investigation, Haruki Murakami tells the story of the horrific terrorist attack on Japanese soil that shook the entire world.
- Blown by Lauren Halsted Burroughs – At the tender ages of only three and five, sisters Amory and Riley are abandoned by their mother at the Church of Scientology in Hollywood, California. For sixteen long years Amory does what she’s told, following Church rules and regulations about every aspect of her life. Yet, while working in the Sea Org—the Church’s administrative organization comprised of the most dedicated members—Amory experiences for the first time a stirring yearning for freedom unlike anything she’s ever known.
- When Men Become Gods: Mormon Polygamist Warren Jeffs, His Cult of Fear, and the Woman Who Fought Back by Stephen Singular – In When Men Become Gods, New York Times bestselling author Stephen Singular casts a light on a dark corner of religious extremism. He reveals a group of fundamentalists operating in the present-day United States, where teenage girls are kept in virtual bondage in the name of upholding the “sacred principle” of polygamy.
- I Fired God: My Life Inside – and Escape from – the Secret World of the Independent Fundamental Baptist Cult by Jocelyn Zichterman – Jocelyn Zichterman was born, raised, married into, and finally, with her family, fled the Independent Fundamental Baptist church. Founded by the fiery preacher Bob Jones, with several hundred thousand members, IFB congregants are told they must not associate with members of other Baptist denominations and evangelicals, with an emphasis on secrecy, insular marriages within the church, a subservience for women, and unusual child raising practices.
- Memoirs of a Scientology Warrior by Mark Rathbun and Evie Cook – An insider look at Scientology’s infamous war apparatus. This autobiographical history of Scientology is told by one of L. Ron Hubbard’s staunchest defenders.
- Jesus Freaks: A True Story of Murder and Madness on the Evangelical Edge by Don Lattin – In the tradition of Jon Krakauer’s Under the Banner of Heaven, Don Lattin’s Jesus Freaks is the story of a shocking pilgrimage of revenge that left two people dead and shed new light on The Family International, one of the most controversial religious movements to emerge from the spiritual turmoil of the sixties and seventies.
- A Piece of Blue Sky: Scientology, Dianetics and L. Ron. Hubbard Exposed by Jon Atack – Atack exposes Hubbard’s bizarre imagination and behavior, tracing the creation of Scientology in the years following World War II to perhaps its final schism following Hubbard’s death in 1986. A shocking book that reveals all: the abuses, falsehoods, paranoia, and greed of Hubbard and his pseudo-military Scientologist henchmen.
- Scientology: A to Xenu: An Insider’s Guide to What Scientology is Really All About by Chris Shelton and Jon Atack – Atack exposes Hubbard’s bizarre imagination and behavior, tracing the creation of Scientology in the years following World War II to perhaps its final schism following Hubbard’s death in 1986. A shocking book that reveals all: the abuses, falsehoods, paranoia, and greed of Hubbard and his pseudo-military Scientologist henchmen.
- The Cult at the End of the World: The Terrifying Story of the Aum Doomsday Cult, from the Subways of Tokyo to Nuclear Arsenals of Russia by David E. Kaplan and Andrew Marshall – The brave new age of postmillennium terror is awakening and its harbinger is Aum Supreme Truth: a Japan-based global web of wired, technically expert New Age zealots armed with biologial weapons, driven by an apocalyptic vision of unprecedented destruction. With compelling immediacy, this book tells the terrifying story the cult reponsible for the Tokyo subway nerve gas attack, offering a revealing profile of its founder and leader, Shoko Asahara.
- Girl on a Wire: Walking the Line Between Faith and Freedom in the Westboro Baptist Church by Libby Phelps and Sara Stewart – It wasn’t until Libby Phelps was an adult, a twenty-five year old, that she escaped the Westboro Baptist Church. She is the granddaughter of its founder, Fred Phelps, and when she left, the church and its values were all she’d known. She didn’t tell her family she was leaving. It happened in just a few minutes; she ran into her house, grabbed a bag, and fled. No goodbyes.
- Cult Child by Vennie Kocsis – The harrowing first-person account of one child’s ordeals inside the isolated commune of an ultra-fundamentalist religious cult.
- Daughters of Zion: My Family’s Conversion to Polygamy by Kim Wariner-Taylor – A memoir of misguided faith, unholy violence, and spiritual awakening. An odyssey of mayhem, murder, and tragedy is what Kim’s family unknowingly embarks upon in their quest for a peaceful existence in an unorthodox religious society.
- Love Sex Fear Death: The Inside Story of the Process Church of the Final Judgment by Timothy Wyllie – The Process Church of the Final Judgment was the apocalyptic shadow side of the flower-powered ’60s and perhaps the most notorious cult of modern times. Hundreds of black-cloaked devotees, often wearing a satanic “Goat of Mendes” and a swastika-like mandala, swept the streets of London, New York, Boston, Chicago, New Orleans, and Toronto, selling magazines and books with titles like Fear and Humanity is the Devil. And within the group’s “Chapters,” members would participate in “Midnight Meditations” beneath photographs of the Christ-like leader.
- Secrets and Wives: The Hidden World of Mormon Polygamy by Sanjiv Bhattacharya – What do we really know about modern practicing polygamists—not fictional ones like the Henrickson family on HBO’s Big Love? We’ve seen the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the news, the underage brides in pioneer dresses on a Texas ranch. But the FLDS is just one of many groups that have broken with mainstream Mormonism to follow those parts of Joseph Smith’s doctrine disavowed by the LDS Church.
- My Billion Year Contract: Memoir of a Former Scientologist by Nancy Many – It is a shocking story of abuse, imprisonment, espionage, lies, mental torture and suicide-vital reading for anyone who wants to know what goes on behind Scientology’s curtain.
- Sins of the Father: The Long Shadow of a Religious Cult by Fleur Beale – The disturbing story of the ruthless exercise of power in a New Zealand religious cult.Charismatic, driven and self-righteous, Neville Cooper set up his own brand of Christian utopia on earth: a reclusive community on the West Coast of New Zealand.
- Jonestown Survivor: An Insider’s Look by Laura Johnston Kohl – After a brief marriage, a visit to Woodstock, and a stint working with the Black Panthers, she moved to California to join her sister. Soon after that, she was introduced to Peoples Temple and spent the next nine years in California and Guyana. She was away from Jonestown on the day when 913 of her friends and family died. The next twenty years were spent recovering, and rebuilding her life.
- The Church of Fear: Inside the Weird World of Scientology by John Sweeney – In The Church of Fear Sweeney tells the full story of his experiences for the first time and paints a devastating picture of this strange organisation, from former Scientologists who tell heartbreaking stories of families torn apart and lives ruined to its current followers who say it is the solution to many of mankind’s problems. This is the real story of the Church by the reporter who was brave enough to take it on.
- Slavery of Faith: The Untold Story of the People’s Temple from the Eyes of a Thirteen Year Old, Her Escape from Jonestown at 20 and Life 30 Years Later by Leslie Wagner-Wilson – Slavery Of Faith…the quietly kept story of a young woman’s escape through the jungles of Jonestown, Guyana the morning of the massacre November 18, 1978 and her struggles to live in the aftermath.
- Marked for Death: My War with Jim Jones the Devil of Jonestown by Timothy Oliver Stoen – The journey began in Redwood Valley, California, in 1970, when I self-recruited into a utopian movement called Peoples Temple, in order to pursue a Biblical ethic: “And all that believed were together, and had all things common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.” The leader of this utopian movement was James Warren Jones.
- Seventeen Sisters: Tell Their Story by Barbara Barlow and Virginia Webb – Today, the Mormon and polygamous culture has shown itself into the limelight more than ever before. This series of seventeen stories focuses on the Barlow family, a family that epitomized the Mormon, polygamous lifestyle. It was led by Albert Barlow, a father of thirty-four children and a husband to three women for over fifty years. The seventeen living daughters of Albert’s family here to tell their story. They have seen it all, they have experienced it all.
- The Onliest One Alive: Surviving Jonestown, Guyana by Catherine H. Thrash and Marian Kleinsasser Towne – The Onliest One Alive: Surviving Jonestown has been a collaborative project of Catherine (Hyacinth) Thrash and Marian Towne since 1982, when Mrs. Thrash returned to Indianapolis from the Los Angeles area, where she had lived following the mass murder-suicide in Jonestown on November 18, 1978.It is the result of 60 hours of interviews and is the only published first-person account of a poor, African-American, elderly, disabled woman survivor of the tragedy.
- In My Father’s House by Min. S. Yee – This gives you an intimate look into the workings of the Layton family, and several members of the family who joined the People’s Temple. Three members of the family went to Guyana to live in the cult run by the Rev. Jim Jones. The youngest son, Larry was responsible for killing Congressman Leo J. Ryan. The cult was run by fear, intimidation and violence.
- God’s Perfect Child: Living and Dying in the Christian Science Church by Caroline Fraser – From a former Christian Scientist, the first unvarnished account of one of America’s most controversial and little-understood religious movements.
- It’s Not About Sex My Ass: Confessions of a Mormon Ex-Polygamist by Joanne Hanks – With wit, humor and style, Joanne Hanks takes you on a wild ride through the insanity of the Mormon-based polygamist cult that was “It’s Not About Sex” My Ass: Confessions of a Mormon Ex-Polygamister life for seven years. Get ready to laugh. Get ready to be outraged. And get ready to see polygamy as no one has ever revealed it before.
- Cult Insanity: A Memoir of Polygamy, Prophets, and Blood Atonement by Irene Spencer – Insanity ran rampant in her husband’s family and was the source of inconceivable events that unfolded throughout Irene’s adult life. CULT INSANITY takes readers deeper into her story to uncover the outrageous behavior of her brother-in-law Ervil — a self-proclaimed prophet who determined he was called to set the house of God in order — and how he terrorized their colony.
- Why I Left the Amish: A Memoir by Saloma Miller Furlong – Now a mother with grown children of her own, Furlong recalls her painful childhood in a family defined by her father’s mental illness, her brother’s brutality, her mother’s frustration, and the austere traditions of the Amish—traditions Furlong struggled to accept for years before making the difficult decision to leave the community.
- Property: The True Story of a Polygamous Church Wife by Carol Christie and John Christie – The true story of a brave woman’s nearly 40 years in a polygamous cult, her eventual escape, and her struggle to integrate into a world she barely knew.
- Fair Game: The Incredible Untold Story of Scientology in Australia by Steve Cannane – Based on years of interviews and meticulous research, Walkley Award-winning journalist Steve Cannane tells for the first time the fascinating story of Australia’s vital involvement with this powerful, secretive and punitive cult.
- Ruby Ridge: The Truth and Tragedy of the Randy Waver Family by Jess Walter – This is the story of what happened on Ruby Ridge: the tragic and unlikely series of events that destroyed a family, brought down the number-two man in the FBI, and left in its wake a nation increasingly attuned to the dangers of unchecked federal power.
- Closing the Gate by Deb Simpson – For most of us, the headlines regarding the Mass Suicide of the 39 “Heaven’s Gate” cult members in Rancho Santa Fe, Ca. in 1997 was a sad curiosity. For Author Deb Simpson, it became up close and personal when her now adult, baby brother Jimmy, became collateral damage. She writes with great courage and honesty in examining Jimmy’s plight: his dream of a place to call home, his tumble into the world of a cult, and the inevitable downward spiral that his lonely life takes.
- The Cult Next Door: A True Story of a Suburban Manhattan New Age Cult by Elizabeth R. Burchard and Judith L. Carlone – During Thanksgiving vacation of her freshman year at Swarthmore College (1977), Elizabeth, at her mother’s insistence, attended a stress-reduction session with a biofeedback technician on staff at a Manhattan psychologist’s office. During that first visit, this man filled her ears with prophetic visions of a glorious future–the inheritance of those fortunate few who might choose to accompany him. His confidence and charisma entranced her, and she soon recruited two of her college roommates. When the psychologist fired his assistant two years later, Elizabeth and her mother followed. Over the next decade, this man, a malevolent genius and master of manipulating metaphysical concepts to benefit a self-serving agenda, organized a small, dedicated band of followers. The Group evolved into an incestuous family–a cult.
- Holy Candy: Why I Joined a Cult and Married a Stranger by Yolande Brener – What is the purpose of life? Is there a spiritual world? Does true love exist? If there is a God, why does he allow innocents to suffer? The desire to find answers to these questions–passed to her on a business card–led Yolande Brener to enter a bizarre, 15-year odyssey in a cult that would climax in her participation in one of the largest mass marriages in history.
- Undertow: My Escape from the Fundamentalism and Cult Control of the Way International by Charlene L. Edge – Undertow is Charlene Edge’s riveting memoir about the power of words to seduce, betray, and, in her case, eventually save.
- The Secret Lives of Saints: Child Brides and Lost Boys in a Polygamous Mormon Sect by Daphne Bramham – The Secret Lives of Saints paints a troubling portrait of an extreme religious sect. These zealous believers impose severe and often violent restrictions on women, deprive children of education and opt instead to school them in the tenets of their faith, defy the law and move freely and secretly over international borders. They punish dissent with violence and even death. No, this sect is not the Taliban, but North America’s fundamentalist Mormons.
- Triumph: Life After the Cult – A Survivor’s Lessons by Carolyn Jessop and Laura Palmer – In Triumph, Jessop tells the real, and even more harrowing, story behind the raid and sets the public straight on much of the damaging misinformation that flooded the media in its aftermath. She recounts the setbacks (the tragic decision of the Supreme Court of Texas to allow the children in state custody to return to their parents) as well as the successes (the fact that evidence seized in the raid is the basis for the string of criminal trials of FLDS leaders that began in October 2009 and will continue throughout 2010), all while weaving in details of her own life since the publication of her first book.
- Beyond Belief: True Story of Faith, Denial and Betrayal by Margot Tesch – Ever wondered what draws people deep into extreme religions and cults? Come on Megan White’s journey as she becomes immersed in an extreme fundamentalist church. Learn how her desire to find meaning and purpose in her life catches her in a trap that snaps shut around her and holds her paralyzed.
- Escape Through the Window: A Cult Survivor’s Story by Sarah Rose – Escape is the first book that tells an insider’s story of daily life ruled by a psychopathic cult leader. The book shows how easy it is to become brainwashed by a charismatic personality into thinking that torture, starvation, and complete isolation are essential to a spiritual life.
- Locked In: My Imprisoned Years in a Destructive Cult by John Huddle – Locked in pulls back the thick curtain holding many of the secrets inside Word of Faith Fellowship. This small mountain church in Spindale, NC first came to the national stage in 1995 when Inside Edition aired video which included their signature practice of blasting deliverance prayer. As the first published survivor memoir of this group, Locked in follows John’s journey of hope to live in “God’s ways” by moving his family to Spindale, only to discover the cult’s unique doctrines and practices destroy the family he loves and cherishes.
- When They Were Mine: Memories of a Branch Davidian Wife and Mother by Shelia Martin and Catherine Wessinger – When They Were Mine is the autobiography of Sheila Martin, a member of the Branch Davidian Church at the time of its apocalyptic encounter with the FBI in April, 1993. The assault resulted in a fire that killed 76 Branch Davidians, including 23 children. Sheila’s husband and four oldest children died in the fire.
- Abode of Love: Growing Up in a Messianic Cult by Kate Barlow – This remarkable memoir is the true story of life inside “The A,” the infamous Agapemone, named for the Greek word meaning Abode of Love. It was a religious cult founded in mid-19th century England by a defrocked clergyman who claimed to be guided personally by the Holy Ghost.
- Nowhere Girl: Growing Up Different by Nita Clark – Consider the world of a young girl who never knew what a normal family was like, and didn’t experience the traditional love of a mother or father. For her, home meant several families all jumbled up together. After the age of five, her mother worked long hours away from home, and she was often left alone or cared for by mothers of other children. Her chief male authority was not her father, but the group’s charismatic, heavy-handed leader. Only later would she come to understand: this community was a cult.
- Keep Sweet: Children of Polygamy by Dr. Dave Perrin and Debbie Palmer – Keep Sweet is non-fiction, but names have been changed to protect the safety and privacy of people mentioned. Based on Palmer’s early memories, letters, and diaries, the memoir takes the reader inside the daily lives of children, sister-wives, husbands and leaders and provides an in-depth insight into the teachings of the fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
- Little Brown Girl: A Memoir by Cassidy Elizabeth Arkin and Sandra J. Rogers-Hare – Little Brown Girl is a story of the struggle to re-enter society after living in a cloistered utopian community, Synanon, in Marin County, California. This collaboration by Cassidy Arkin and her mother, Sandra Rogers-Hare is an open child and parent perspective of two very unique lives.
- The Defector: After 20 Years in Scientology by Robert Dam – The Defector is a strong, personal story about the uncanny parallel world of Scientology. The Defector is written by Robert Dam, who himself was a member of the mothership of Scientology in Europe – right in the center of Danish capital, Copenhagen – for 20 years, until he defected in 2004.
- Matches in the Gas Tank: Trial by Fire in the Armstrong Cult by Carla Powers – An empowering story of the survival of the spirit, this heart-wrenching memoir recounts a girl’s stifled and abusive childhood in the Radio Church of God-a cult founded by alleged prophet Herbert W. Armstrong in Big Sandy, Texas.
- Destroying the World to Save it: Aum Shinrikyo, Apocalyptic Violence, and the New Global Terrorism by Robert Jay Lifton – Since the earliest moments of recorded history, prophets and gurus have foretold the world’s end, but only in the nuclear age has it been possible for a megalomaniac guru with a world-ending vision to bring his prophecy to pass. Now Robert Jay Lifton offers a vivid and disturbing case in point in this chilling exploration of Aum Shinrikyo, the Japanese cult that released sarin nerve gas in the Tokyo subways.
- The Manson Girls by Michael James Duncan – A look back at the many women who become followers of Charles Manson during his Helter Skelter siege in California in the 60s & 70s. All were hippie girls who became loyal to the maniac who told them to kill for him
- Wife No. 19: The Story of a Life in Bondage, Being a Complete Expose of Mormonism and Revealing Sorrows, Sacrifices and Sufferings of Women in Polygamy by Ann Eliza Young – In 1863 24-year old Ann Eliza became the 19th wife of the 67-year old head of the Mormon Church Brigham Young. Ten years later, in a landmark case that would rock the nation and lead to the rewriting of laws, Ann divorced her powerful husband alleging neglect and cruel treatment.
- Waiting for the Apocalypse: A Memoir of Faith and Family by Veronica Chater – It is 1972, and Veronica Chater’s parents believe that Vatican II’s liberalization has corrupted the Catholic Church, inviting the Holy Chastisement—an apocalypse prophesied by three shepherds in Fatima, Portugal. To spare his family this horror, Veronica’s father quits the highway patrol, sells everything, and moves the family of eight from California to an isolated village near Fatima.
- Out of the Cocoon: A Young Woman’s Courageous Flight from the Grip of a Religious Cult by Brenda Lee – Out of the Cocoon is a heart-wrenching, yet inspirational tale about the author’s escape from a religious cult after enduring decades of dysfunction. Take the incredible journey with her as she survives stifling oppression as a child, physical and emotional abuse as a teenager, and the ultimate tragedy: the loss of her family once she becomes an adult.
- Not My Idea of Heaven by Lindsey Rosa – When she was a child, Lindsey Rosa’s every waking moment was governed by the rules of an extreme separatist sect. It controlled what she wore and what she ate; it forbade her to listen to music, to cut her hair, to watch television, to use a computer. The Fellowship said her family was special. Why would she believe otherwise?
- Betrayal of the Spirit: My Life Behind the Headlines of the Hare Krishna Movement by Nori J. Muster – Combining behind-the-scenes coverage of an often besieged religious group with a personal account of one woman’s struggle to find meaning in it, Betrayal of the Spirit takes readers to the center of life in the Hare Krishna movement.
- This Dark World: A Memoir of Salvation Found and Lost by Carolyn S. Briggs – A riveting memoir of one woman’s immersion into Fundamentalist faith and her decision, twenty years later, to leave it all behind.
- Escape: My Life Long War Against Cults by Paul Morantz – Tells the story of attorney Paul Morantz’s nearly 40-year battle with many of this nation’s most notorious cults,including the Manson family, the Symbionese Liberation Army, Jim Jones’ People’s Temple, Synanon, est, the Moonies and Scientology, among others.
- American Heiress: The Wild Saga of the Kidnapping, Crimes and Trial of Patty Hearst by Jeffrey Toobin – On February 4, 1974, Patty Hearst, a sophomore in college and heiress to the Hearst family fortune, was kidnapped by a ragtag group of self-styled revolutionaries calling itself the Symbionese Liberation Army. The already sensational story took the first of many incredible twists on April 3, when the group released a tape of Patty saying she had joined the SLA and had adopted the nom de guerre “Tania.”