Wintry Book-Themed Candles Because It’s Just So, So Cold
I’m typing this with one hand, one be-mittenedd hand poking up out of a pile of blankets and sweaters and Snuggies. I’ve somehow configured my scarves and throws so one eye can monitor the screen. And all of this is happening because it’s just so effing cold. Whatever, T.S., February is the cruellest month. Anywoot, one way I deal with the cold is by burning seasonally appropriate candles in order to trick myself into some kind of fake-cozy, post-holiday joy. And here are a few book-themed ones that might get the job done:
Winter At Hogwarts– “…spiced cider, chestnuts, and a whiff of something that might just be Butterbeer.” I can get behind that.
Leo Tolstoy Library Candle– “Black Plum, Persimmon, & Oakmoss,” sounds just like winter in a bearded Russian’s library, I’ll take five.
Winter In Narnia– “Blue Spruce and infused with pine and natural cedarwood…” Does sort of sound like what you would smell were you to stumble out of a wardrobe and into a snowy mystical wood, so.
Sherlock’s Study– “Sweet pipe tobacco, cherry wood and fresh rain” sounds like what I want all my whole life to smell like, at all times, but the tobacco and wood combo sounds especially wintery.
Little Women Coffee Candle. Laurie! Snow! Christmas!
Jamie Fraser candle from Outlander– “…musk, pine and wood smoke” sounds about right.
And while we’re at it, here are some matchbooks made from book paper:
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