A Beginner’s Guide to TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD
This week marked the 53rd anniversary of the publication of Harper Lee’s classic novel, To Kill a Mockingbird. Did you know there’s no official gift for a 53rd anniversary? The 50th is gold, and the 55th is emerald. I’ve been trying to figure out something that would be appropriate for the momentous occasion, and all I can come up with is a quick and simple video guide to this, the best book that most of us ever read in high school. Of course, it’s a gift for readers, and not for Ms. Lee, but she seems to like her privacy, so we’ll just leave it at that. Take a look:
Video Sparknotes: Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird Summary
Yeah, I know that Sparknotes have a bad reputation amongst readerly types out there (myself included), but this is a pretty good summary without giving away too much of the beauty of the book. You still have to read the words to get the full effect.
Thug Notes – To Kill a Mockingbird
For those who appreciate a more…um…culturally relevant…take on the classics.
Trailer for the 1962 film adaptation of To Kill a Mockingbird
Even though the movie all but ignores one of the major plot points of the novel, it is still one of the best movies of its time.
All Men Are Created Equal – Clip from To Kill a Mockingbird
Gregory Peck will always be who we see when we picture Atticus Finch in our heads, and that is because of moments’s like this one:
AFI chose Peck’s Atticus Finch as the #1 Hero on its list of 100 Years….100 Heroes & Villains.
The full-length film is available for rental via YouTube.
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