Unleash Your Inner Fangirl!
See, I have zero units of chill when talking about things that have captured my imagination. As I begin to talk and my eyes do their best impressions of stars, I can see the light fade away from my friends’ eyes. I am lucky to have patient friends and I am lucky to have impatient friends who love me enough to not bludgeon me with my heaviest book.
Thing is, I know I would be worse—so painfully worse—if I didn’t try to stop my inner fangirl into becoming a very obnoxious, outer fangirl. So, I came up with my “Be Cool, Fangirl” plan*:
- Make New Friends:
That’s right, life is too short for friends who secretly hate you. Cut ‘em out of your life!*ahem* Kidding! Just kidding! What I mean is, the Internet is a great way to find someone who is in the same stage of fangirling as you are. Whether you encounter GIF-y reaction posts, headcanons, reviews, fan art, magnetic poetry fanfiction—all it takes is a reblog with tags or a few complimentary words in their inbox and you will find yourself with someone who will feed off of your passion and vice verse. Next thing you know you are both plotting a story together and making plans to have coffee IRL. - Fannish Contributions (Part 1): It doesn’t have to be something dishearteningly difficult or even very obviously fannish. It could just be playlists with songs that remind you of the books or the characters. These playlists can be vaguely titled. These playlists could be entirely made up of Taylor Swift songs. These playlists can be shared with unsuspecting friends. At which point you can forget about the plan to Be Cool and POUNCE! No, wait, this is the opposite of what this plan is supposed to be. Hm. Ignore that last bit!
Alternatively, you could just toss the plan and unleash your inner fangirl. Being cool does not have to mean pretending to be someone you are not. I mean, to some extent, the most thrilling part about reading is opening yourself up to someone else’s words and giving those words a home inside yourself. Some books are just a part of who I am, just like other books are a part of my friends—even if my friends may not wear their hearts on their sleeves in quite the same way. That said, *twirls moustache* perhaps this only means their inner fangirl needs a little tug from my outer one …
*Results may vary.