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The Book Riot Podcast, Episode #2: Pillow Talk with Robert Langdon

Jeff O'Neal

CEO and co-founder

Jeff O'Neal is the executive editor of Book Riot and Panels. He also co-hosts The Book Riot Podcast. Follow him on Twitter: @thejeffoneal.

The Book Riot Podcast, Episode #2: Pillow Talk with Robert Langdon

Jeff and Rebecca talk about The Great Gatsby movie reactions and box office, along with discussions on the new Dan Brown novel, ebook market share, a tool to randomly browse the Amazon bookstore, the trailer for James Franco’s As I Lay Dying, and Judy Blume’s disavowal of the label “YA writer.” This week’s episode is sponsored by Nolet’s Silver Dry Gin and Start Here, Volume 2.

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Links discussed in the show:

The Great Gatsby on Rotten Tomatoes

Dan Brown’s phone sex song

Ebooks made up 20% of US consumer book industry in 2012

As I Lay Dying trailer

Judy Blume’s Tiger Eyes film, not thinking she’s a YA writer

Browse previous episodes of The Book Riot Podcast.