
The Book Riot Podcast #118: Metaphorically Aflutter


The Book Riot Podcast, Episode #118:

This week, Jeff and Rebecca talk about a scandal rocking the romance world, the story of a women who submitted her novel to agents under a man’s name, a bookstore giving refunds for Go Set a Watchman, a rediscovered F. Scott Fitzgerald short story, new books, and much more. This episode is sponsored by Devil Dead by Linda Ladd, Scribd, and Audible.


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Links discussed in the show:


Lost F. Scott Fitzgerald story emerges

Nazi romance nominated for award

Woman writer sends out queries with male name, gets maddeningly predictable results

GSAW refunds?


New books discussed in the show:

The Girl Who Slept with God by Val Brelinski

Barbara the Slut and Other People: Stories by Lauren Holmes

New in paperback: Pointe by Brandy Colbert


Browse previous episodes of The Book Riot Podcast.


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